Ο αμιγής κοινοβουλευτισμός. Το βρετανικό πολιτικό σύστημα /

: Goals amazes me yet maybe it will work for you not to let it go up we see eats peanut T we blew the he seizes the wind speeds amazes me I leave you with this Ole us Yeah I mean look I say it all SA owns all do what this guy is someone investors need to get a female vast Steve we don't know th...

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Φορέας:Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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Ημερομηνία έκδοσης: Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης 2022
Διαθέσιμο Online:https://opencourses.auth.gr/modules/units/?course=OCRS229&id=2701
id 1ba9f086-04af-490f-b056-c923305957a7
title Ο αμιγής κοινοβουλευτισμός. Το βρετανικό πολιτικό σύστημα /
spellingShingle Ο αμιγής κοινοβουλευτισμός. Το βρετανικό πολιτικό σύστημα /
publisher Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
url https://opencourses.auth.gr/modules/units/?course=OCRS229&id=2701
publishDate 2022
language en
thumbnail http://oava-admin-api.datascouting.com/static/de70/6e54/9cd5/2bc7/2f25/b717/a225/7676/de706e549cd52bc72f25b717a2257676.jpg
organizationType_txt Πανεπιστήμια
institution Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
asr_txt Goals amazes me yet maybe it will work for you not to let it go up we see eats peanut T we blew the he seizes the wind speeds amazes me I leave you with this Ole us Yeah I mean look I say it all SA owns all do what this guy is someone investors need to get a female vast Steve we don't know the who made the pro Bowl needed to know what you got your deal it's got us Yeah me and what makes you Evelyn this state this is the US visa D ever we speed its image but this was a love hate kind O T best known was led view Hey old cash means the or that you will see cool we were needles is I move to go angeles plus a pair of Seneca falls God bull or bear Yes Yeah provably always seems the US cities see about we it needs you call us car 8 days but Here's the thing you Goelz Yes unity we'll see Yeah Oh Oh Whoa just yesterday S T is what you get what you you don't get it may give us your back easier we get easy Mayday's goal see is yesterday's rolled that's you news slow pace vanished be Yeah my nieces we've beaten all of us and the problem of gold salons the space this all brooding Cuomo's zero so this issue is not Scott said losses for its years us the use bill see you you've done these things brings us see us O needy kids go my bias Yes we live that's those a thing he let no one one is Ahh Yeah Ahh Ahh Ah you probably need wounding God loves us a whole boys I was always makes we believe see you do not need what days and 8th seed blo sugar Bowl they will release its so sometimes the stars leave messages you those who school school you need you more you make hasty my meetings EV or store be God will be more Yes you need not be you here Yes I mean it's Yes really borne not by seizing a horse for various energy got prices US envoy who he got us into pieces that need mines Yes 50 plus bonding my thoughts hushed tones my my God in his late teens SMI soft hancock funds eyewitness Trish flew each of Shard it's was JD com 10 I just we long for love my goodness young full and yet now one key goal a goal she's my was seem must-see Polis my disease my CEOs will go 50 mile these various fancy with the I've probably met does Dublin meeting political theater Yes even a my report he wanted to go ena Green I think even losing my God what's up what do we got we got to see don't be mad what it'll be you meant for EMEA seem to be pushing very candid we should or belly it's because I understand all around man D I see that my singer lost got his should start Fortunately I radio when normal all humungous got oil I S D I see that went in and all Latinos made all don't see you can let you see you this Yeah me to me it's to the point you boys did you not say us Yeah I mean Yes for me Maple honey tea bases for me being met and seemed indeed people see that the us just anyone is but my love I have seen we'll see if they want to see the Dean dome me dishes every bleep you made a decision she is Westwood said after Willis this she's got I got I got good news you these baby always us for over 20 years you I mea a lot T I see my Eamon healed based on us being D I don't publicly about the start of stealing these $ courses you would see them my pain may Post a CEO Yes if the we don't get our everyone was not love me now I need some that nobody else museum ways of engineers I seen it I mean many of you will heat and I start my the human toll may make night Yeah said tt you're night but Biotene for humans to Wow all of these months Jesus's God love me like you Yeah me see me needs a lot of those us you make your all these sleuth Vause Wow go ahead bloom Yoichi those same thing you feel unity by pushing Zana host on I did think about 80% of T pvs this for your a moment got T all he's proud of me being me he steals every time one of the off D saying you've got but we need not your knee the but obviously you've got the idea for the Zach T legalese me anymore should be more you mean you we've yet to see me see me I would' ve whole days Baffert hoisted the hope where violence she needs the human must make a lot of guys that don't this mom if all you my knee we'll see about that me Masters course these wins for various D by off where you get what you see who need me if he if you meet on you got me I think even Yes Lemon we mails not been me Cassidy stay with the goal good teams blame almost anybody my according to Flynn the key he won off of these boys not Ms Coleman plus this is not your Motor Yoshi because you just got you peace God and guns we do and steam out there will be Whoa you owe me this for inviting me Yes Bowl and not I've started to call my courses must go TV you're made human D my over how best to wish alliance CBN radio tt's my fellow exonerees nieces Manziel us I got you Babe Ruth usage for years for taking moves a Sea of they don't mind but you P goal on the one Matthew affidavit they must use she Yeah you got the bonds your television mazes a Jewish 5 miles of the plan Bush friend because better worth hool whe I hate my single Google's main day and piecing things deal I reached for my own DACA these very strong anybody but Yeah it's your gene pool but if you look at last I love Max Reese we help them Miami's winning Wii U Wii play where you're niche I think the bigger your it's really yourself Yes for E course niece a Union but finish my us app that is more yet again he's a pc I know some only damaged tendons or Bailey goes not no my son be all reason Freeman who base of users this we eat do all who being asked by the eve of the CFE esday no reason all the science all right distilleries bus when he won the Ba by all sides and he's used all the time these have gone puffy this goal we have witnessed my goal you've just got to get this led the Bulls fee but he's I don't know busy I'm begging us for exile this I'm more no buying gold that's all he's being used meg you know one thing for me and tsunami me produces I O but his eat these races where at T this see me he said I folks see you Yeah by all D-Mass stole DC man go our goal we love you see me Yeah all of us the D these even though they may busines maintains his vacation these visions plus her Manolo killer bees bees fussy and wouldn't say Yeah baby Yes guess what I mean may not change I think you see me Yeah baby I want you all to be Yeah let me start there would be an easy guys the whole more Wow we need to pure pay all Pelosi because TV recited the better to look for Yeah because we've got a lot of us Google might be the best usages Stephen a I thought my God every few months it's been 20 years you tell me what leaders or one of the best it posed a growing Yeah I think you you've got steel pool barrier lining I signed a school yard one knife you've all seen it gave Darren best but the best deal Greeny last week for a stunning moment your classic goodies for own eyes you're cool fusion Berry's 6 she is one get those Let's see the video Yeah please Amy's medals there filming I don't even know we pay story or human death tolls the there's political will of course she's my Queen before this I I excitedly got this may but bunch I'm the father of I'm easy for so email almost you need only look black the days of being there for us Leslie Whoa go even got got Sean Hannity's show us the kind of leslie stall one woman Shoma happy how this has got to be a Ha Ha I D S I I stay Yes all happy all they love me doesn't use see you want know best of all we've really lost Jorge how best save time you were all over me for the same old friends get visas hopefully we got we shall we believe all said I love us believe that now all it's it you will see best score horses then got walls then feel like you see speeds for meetings for us college savings plans coat me said Obama then he's just going to combat scored he said were the glass Janot Bima Yeah he's spaghetti sauce or existing very always must face York I this is my World is getting movie when this man foresee will over how best festivals kindling the videos radio football be brave Pe of STF steel but see the building official you're being you're you'll be done scored today easy Yeah got holy you've got a young or run was dashed wish set us up for debbie I knew this young boy it's not been easy file Wu set be me and for those of us buyer thank you to my knees yet and there's a maybe man last seen yosee easyJet getting mantra this for that reason Dave Yeah bcm really exhausted you'reot gazes yet the feed all shot all Maybelline these I've never seen make picks you want you don't build a sign this us saline began be leme see what was this you e-mail wants you up we which had joined them I'm with you about taxes by a hoist I love Yo is weighing heat none of us have you Let's young the father of a spending bill O UT goes maybe you're holding the we've seen before I let these men have gone voice is that this is you know we need spends Sanaa has almost been seen see I can my baby ven Nina we've all he's happy to let my only thing we know led bad letting my copy you avoid me then you leave for full cut and to stand there where his father being asked for you're my beat you'll I policies th you you going negative for Matt D finds if you'll over will be Yeah Joey for even all me I'll be seeing you see can only he gives you a mix of pictures Yo Yo Ma and may have just full of men after a full T I'm one of you for binesses I'm stunned the or land and then go on and on those key steam young people one of the guys Tester Bush's team my do you then Chase who meant you we love you very West we can avoid the Hey guys you all sorts of things of women for lifting home my dad Yeah I can beat you Venice can make Meghan it's do because you are lucky if we let it absolutely does this involve gave us deep deep deep funding not the guy if this is event hundreds no could such ashed look last night did you initially you bend to DC me because these events the whole event Yeah pure as Blue one I purely yet nbc wall Zaki apps you can be only one small God flus get mail Yeah he's made the basis of 17 . is I owe you a pure but you know you all you Benenson TV massive you buy the Citi Josh angela you gone are the days CBO Te' o It Is only a year old used when a good thing Yeah I see me Evelyn Evelyn gave you this young yet what we wish for us stuff we got the ball back you see bleep me athlete key symbolic me last you bet thank you we need them to give more the me thank you very this he'll be funny I can wait baby's neck see he wields his release Villa easy I love but having said that you think everyone you can get my reason Yeah but this is the God these it varies you'll be just when he's got the you then see fluffy and sent a long I've nothing didn't want us to be what got us maybe it seems very much Yeah Magnay it's not always pretty bitter Gola I set out to us live I love you but as you'll see not see can you name taste it aside this is the thickness using Here's the NeJame and election remember this all to be free Vanier one nice case for employing more hazy for media footage got event beats Trump losing these all nothing being Beach today's final peanuts for bus yet to begin with visual O can no Blue star what Yes you can be sky rubella other Y get T Seaver city school violence Yeah it's Bush us see anyone you know Neil I was being be right we' d we're you won't believe he'd done many Bowl he'll feels the love we finds put your but a stroll with me why all may she may lose your backs Keystone 5 Christmas body Mrs. all seem bloom Yes phone call was made heavy use of the pieces one shoulder violent act with them vealed he may not show up Beijing holiday Mamie it makes those retail my seat norms all truth foolish and less fair who will lead this I'm it's Lou let me you message like we're losing off E here for picks up in the middle mean they've got all going I'm going Goggin pool looks easy got GOP debate or the team given that you get to bail them fees case for so we've got seen humanity but guess image what man include may be you should avoid stunned be made about what he was infecting it is fully still needs time to check in should be reckless can you make this weekend a shift to the I wouldn't want them look bad now Hughes you're a guy who will make his final he's got Cecilia goal would be feel I'm measure good boy go for me to be a kind of walk everyone should get on kind he's can be lost she made more this Venus you boy me Yeah he's listed more he all the same role with the purchase of my seized my you know you want next don't you Yes he fan but Let's leave this you've got view us the Murphy no we don't for cleaning by but you know what you wish for I see bleep here a closet JP for me UBS gives us leaves us gave us in the media yet goal preached all being day Yeah I see more DM Stephen a Yeah Thomas Morgan Yes 95 use slowly she Banksy we all see what some of the things that seeing field Connor Guiney I'll let me be yuck Theiss Yes the man me Yes I'm like Yeah I see more people but won't be fully this makes cut basic goal getting a sequel grease two goal he's seen with more Yeah a proposal being got a lift for them if you all would you all these so Yeah I mean people elected Shia bombings Monday you I'm absolutely going to by asking you D Ga yoyou're so this is a good man Blue all along we've seen some denied a US visa late my God my nieces I listen to what you know me I see the move oil one match sunny I got something for you you're the reason neither what lies put O is all show you better look with all Blue today Yeah not put helping black you need but look I don't agree beam me up for this to bind us Neil when you see my amazement I love all inside the game when they must see yourself not be Spino my God this coming days we days ahead of the stuffing a bunch of ts based in new York my man he black gloves and you're seeing that you've got you've got another e-mail you boy we deployed oil this fight is sassy and me noah Syndergaard Shoma secede bought the met with Billy Bush need the member doing we need to see all sun Yeah I can see all the ways you view this is my God family Yost gave and give my goal Yeah Let's look when you buy and less of the G game of young hitters so God d't know Io want this peacefully Tuesday evening season almost Sharia I morning Berman guys Hey you the young boy illegals me I got a cnbc bloom I've lost all hope seaweed buffalo's menu do nothing yet here we are going to beat giving you this day skill they members see I feel what you need and God I love these guys did they need led bullies everyone Yes goal Bade boys or your ace and lifelong again com we'll be needs lost very you're baby love I mall its call views Dean one of the goal of this month viewing the baby love find me my Yes a good guy I'm AMA made a save the best for my would you wince a T black men make them safe most of the school you Golos love peanuts sitting female he you'll be Yeah we do not want the audit you guys sealed or request the new York city's city Yes I mean it's see you see you give us one goes against your movie guys see used to hoist the guy who wish by your niece because of my real fear is and TV you see I mean when I finished with minus two years funny birthday to share if the reason is because of this I mean the mayor I almost don't want to see me see me I mean look the I wish my name may not be use TV life views you're you got a guy Jay on T boy he's got a glass Yeah my God my whole thing is when you I wish this living along whole very hawkish you see a guy you both these degrade seem and I know it's you'veot wish for me legacy God bless you God coordinated all been teed dirty bomb Yes gold we will be used to limit Government there you see him there Ruscio shawl you're missing the groups uses near Guam U us v I P S Stanton would manage the there's more man I cannot envision when because she's my pool legalese heat map there poison maybe 5 feet she did a B C D C don't got more Yeah be a B or C poisoning we need a wall Yeah pretty boy are we glad she's said see I people got I'm hoping you'll Liza fees legalese some and me as beat us us use the snap food Bowl news man PAC has played both of the so I think that will positive otball Wolf offense this he's a bill you're holes boy you're such an amazing they need all God thanking saying the same thing she me if you see blow AC eve all these cities kind of course Yeah dee dee dee but Let's see how many deep deep beat us one teenage boy in my bones were eating meat and bones were Minister go my insurance is nitty gritty keep your cools and TV host of the sun will do you need my Evel Knievel the sleazy vs vs making Lilia E here for you yet Yes she'd lose here he's a I see I know we have it easy Yeah those plus this you need T young Hey got listen if you've got a whole even Ballmer's one of getting s U V processes T boy we love you I love you see you thinking about video Wilma Hugh hate your visa as and I'll do but thank you for coming on the eve of the Plaza homeless this for us it's Indians he'll see any day you importing these mouth pieces I fess Si woo goats didn't get a whole Yes 99 boy I mean you were a vase of Wow see things poison us more it'll be nice feel like he's just been blessed you've always got us here all uses law Blue Jays wish you my God I easy sale Yes I woo woo me Yup all T you'll what in your view what is the right thing Roma needs some obvious the lender compass may be on the USS Cole won't my don't all you need love Yo boy me not because this judge you what you saw or leaky should've been following leash your fitness Wash made a list of goals all laugh you see go everywhere Yes gli I leaves me got us young D ou he's special NICU mom we miss my Corsi my whole Yeah it's then made 5 3 Blaine Wash maybe your belief they bullet cindy your team on pure raw Yes he washing machine visual the start mass media Hey men will need I sure baby loses the meals programs you're asked to vie for gold I must just be glossed doesn't just ask the Yes God put me on these Hugo Barra laughing guy misses miss Tester Choi Yes maybe you can Yeah but the nice to see King and others thought yards per play for me loves them but we're making the we've now then he's by the DAX is you may not see them with a long by then you know you see smell anything when people get caught picking over it pushes the Sinon the these my God if you don't do this Ah Yes my door T Blue blood said we're looking for she d gone flu they need within 29 on the backs into your guy bought these days King Indians mistrust it's let me we'll show equal Yeah to blow up the media envoy Elise give us the cover baseball onions I love Let's go over to my this is my wish for need young I mean we have now save us anymore all of you here we're won't you've made us all 8 even saying he email even though they haven't seen a lot changes don't mean a he loses to even releasing a even see a T bus seat where I Whoa Dean you see a hazy voices you've seen the or buses on my goals cease my being made but baby my game it'll be on baby cannot be see you know let me that need to be thinking about goals she even those like they should avoid makeup team Oh my God man don't be a Yes for me Graham you know oil off I mean this is a human face short story what you see goal you're all each had a goal and was facing me guys Yeah I mean take it easy for we push forward with almost very bad Yes Yes this is the lone I read your bart houston believe almost see my e-mack I steal beeve me fun almost CEO the masks are made to feel everybody winning goal when I got my you movie Doshi a wave of stuff my hope bash you dish for us he's you know I want to go love me Moos you know who lived as more cities and everybody both see my looking to avoid your TV's key we've got Yeah Chris we got off Kaye Yes O of the S same E Yeah we've seen gone because Shawn I love ace C ts Sea Venice a glass I'm all dream thinking if we but don't and no one on this day or T do they want to get Dave I've got to get your state your guys you're not only T goal next Tuesday power shot videos of taco than going for the kill want us dead need your old Dzemaili unique one Matthews Yeah they always get the da always sees believe a study to see how can I be less T look tool disguise make sure easy one I've seen radio these days is cooling the show us one official view I'm much footage showing O easy to stop a kid get one out there of people who knew holding both of these leaders I view the most vital piece you any girl you see people on by much ought to be looking over it because she's my hardest young student sean I Stevens Yes she goes medics at the scene he said there's a decent chance I'm Dave you storm chasing it easy to use and lifted more it's how else can we you buy Jay he'll side with gusty it easy looking very big TVs whole aed can do all it's the voice of us getting these Emily bully not good feed e-mail we it all no more you could even your instead when it reminds me of one of the few days gotten personal Gmail seems one I think Steve listen I love my mom stop people who the best team in the us all shows either with T when we got feel but people who knew me Manning said she see good for vetting said she d but can I be honest yet believe my you see you this morning because yet not I guess I will deceive me West seems to be got a working woman Yeah but see I see Yeah I've got a and seal them me Stephen a Yeah mak me game anymore that was the only one in the nominee easy boy did not steal one West seems to be if all you all in all I me extensive boy cannot be almost human I'm smell if you buy a worthless it's almost shut the doors today you're covering this for us but she's not Stephen thank you almost this many bought various guy I'm saying be boos well let or slow hustle goal when we see the movie is the not you you feel you know Clune Yes you'll see this is by no means does baby this is my various no need for us you don't you I think it's I United you oil use the visa my guys got to get a granted I'm not do something more BC Yeah 85 15 million keep that job over Government we've got I've been you mace lets you I has lost its trust me he's you know he's cities might be for us let them this man may ask this D you those days both inclusive God had me good enough season you knew who was going to be a stop me Oh my bills aunts nieces but can avoid losing seem happy to be here for anyone I believe if you apply for a cure all may follow days of my God Lennay fund I'm good boy you're young you to be the being the chief of steamy is hoisted for see nobody yet in coal mines Yes can yield by what he did timimes looking these boys seem none of these The New York Law blows me away you both choices for you always once you and wish you wouldn't and making our easiest stimulate TCU's bill we don't have one pro see me all these years rights even even many not so Udacity class this we use you know we see my but sunny vision where me initially will need last lengthy Bud Yes true my Yeah you guys need faces mommy's young enough guys all over you'll see that easier you use email you owe me all the way Kosik Yes I give me or D for sure we'd all be easier last seen all of us and God and you me Comey may need to raise these guys you gain last best of any you enjoy knees be labor the city game away we'll see the view and I think he'll be it's usually always good to see all don't you love me my God my God D Cosentino said the ethos of people I'm your guy coming back T you bomb doesn't see me me young Sean yours all Steve you get the agree I mean David ortiz me blessed he's continuing violence taking over of course she smiled I mean Yes ups but you mess giveaway stuff let my goatee she called me tt Yeah but no we'll guy who's got an English and most you Yes Yeah bested ople when I'm just thinking of new I thought mash-up of course will you get we are seeing now bill Nye I'm hoping you know live of course she's seen my game coy sting you various cost let me Yates I see after a number of them but do all these aren't good people all she goes man you got all my talk show you what makes you think you after boy the exit from the EU we've sure sure each you know your man a couple of days beige yoll see you we got he has got yet even a just give it a Tester matches that you'll get based on the finish and blossoming the glass got us I in Blue Yeah let me go carlson maybe boy may on for them many meets investing remains banks of the usual see so my God Yes see or smash one vision for that await us see my oil let me show you avoid the then video we ways remain you deal you'll see she's you live guys ling sugar and the flipside easing not me Yes guaranteed F for me to be sure we finished cure will face off for not keeping a close eye on this mother's day I'm sure Evelyn these two leaders you'll want OP Singh and space I school getting they want get cut the reason will always political system you know these Scott Levy about living life you'll be seen calling glitches I got you live view that the base GE blew my female base sure you've seen I'm the one who's got a game if there is any time soon but we got he blessed me Kaye all you've been seeing out before they say not there's a freezing manual good vs vs some visits visits to be his sky E seizing the city schools I O Connor ask by unleash role when anyone if GE we'd all be amazing we've got to me if Pan you don't talk to me D-Miss Wow I'm just very good London city go no I don't think these I allowed us to use the goal Vause so I've got a guy you get wind gust I'm going with a stuff we have got this made me work he'd see all or he bull bear looking but I ask gs to God I see is a key reason think red but to see the events I ask for your endorsement P fees come Ba you very Yeah this is if you want to be seen posting them and Greece got goalo ce postings to move CA D Ga in perfect condition you become even which got coming up you com got almost even God made you like me and meet bull fighting for Yes fetuses and we're very Beck one of your whole innately warm all one I've just got to loosen push us she limb with anyone who your but I mean you say going a few women just days before we phone call me lose extra long arms you just blows we begin a new speed do you know where all you need is very good daughter and is led you ready Yeah building russ he will gain believe me it's almost absolutely absolutely absolutely for good make sure you when my we want to go find easy is known take shape both shoulders most of the Gong show my let me see the when the good wife got on this day Columbus day you view yourself everybody not a woman with a wall you get these she everything for me he would use and this is my big goal he's called the Smithsonian's he got all the answers he's just being you might be diy play why later this the meeting of the beauty about goal live for a long time we don't public due to a filing got you buy any of those funded by always all make the debunks the White he'll publish this guy using dunks in places you may need to move toward a lot of equal because we've gone it's why he citing them as well why release you various I loved this when it is needed me I need you to grow bull why one wife you'll see Leonard goals some of you this just easy to just put me over the top by your competitors see me ball hawk you need you see peacefully or bats that you feel when you go to the maze bes day all need you violate released about need AmEx's dice human made us God she then of course you can see just the speed of me being bed my name it's a good kids a female need you've got but also for we know was Manning's Steve get by a man uses timing each other news when you've got a gays by Miami's Christian it cools the I feel good when you're when you're today all but both of these be he's been shot positive or cheaper for Americans then emaciated you I've been the one you got all Yeah Yeah you got missed the dough mediate this Yes sick any events but you I Lila punch Bowl you name it the most of these Lee who missed the goal courses must exit got beat Manno for you pay your need to show off its labor got thank you voting is done all those U us you are raising may exceed dorms for is really Ian Hannam USS Cole Z pure nonetheless of course seeking a hopeless when Glizzy my along Mexico they have been doing live fish deep there's a pure being one that's completely crushes based you she's someone I've off these stuff told me what the grosses me or leaves the wrong Steve young she feel my God all my Mexican but Bush thought it's your base Loesch if my guy when I steam Gluck cool to see me on my voice didn't fix my Wash beauty goal Roma division posted the best this Behrouz images I think one thing that we face I won't young lovers of all you love me it's T toll purely just my bill you go don't do that don't so you don't get to what doing this said one of the things ask C make a two one lead us 0 even my eyeless I've thought of this sick you base pay theall eed this one a day men's team gp Gates you don't love for the I'm human I think my dishwasher Moshe SE do you think feeling today me Cuomo that makes it God being Coinbase opens you told me that HUMIRA ago want to pick up some chilling maybe not seeing movie you're saying if you're thinking I season game I need to but what do the horses my mountains you York he wakes up we're sick of this knife with a days not consuming the levity you've lifted VI special easily RYE Jesus asked us and we will do it for us amenities on houses young Blue Jays you thought it was a good one false hope that begins a you baby food by me are beacons be done bull bull vegan Steve bannon to be honest and see this seat is I feel a and stuff the Yeah we should be by fees for being with us just moments skin use for our viewers in IV start for Steve when Steve young won for the way our goal must don't feel lasted for led by gave Hurst thank you matt Katz thank you keep using he should lose his in Spain we must keep going roof Yeah I need my I wish your skin could decide the and my of course she's seen my square feet the media cool plus you have to be a few months my God because she's my absolutely not only that we are pulling so we will Bush goal Cuomo me goal pull a man symbol MC the debate he'll miss something we're going got a mad goofy disfigured you your kids are going today 9 people got us these seats I've got a feeling that Phil Cuomo then got messing with me updated beyond me best Phil Z what is small I know you've got single my these small may succeed dawned feeling that none of us should unicorn that's going to be going I T boy we I'm seasoned guy I hope the debut of the human rights issue the in banking much shop you cannot and do not stuff Yeah and finally losing Yeah I'm fine go be all easy stuff that PBSC in don't listen you made my I'm afraid if I come in listen my boy do you guys plus the we'll have to see the guy who said just gold going down didn't do what this moment to show them that all Beal woke me son beat T we give you a chance to what you'll ople on the human body feet illustrating demand a six-week course bang the the competitive because the GOP will that be enough Cuomo Yeah I wish we've all seen that won't be easy Yeah the Blues Bosio and ways you one deep ball can make or I think anybody finds the young for this guy alma mostly all ears it's walled off with Nazi words like these this is a man of faith variously Virginia-based J weight classes sure you've got and don't use phrases got me on all of this he faces I woke up S NE cool cool one meal a day they don't make a loving mother these are my venues goals goalie your Vitaly he's my boss and I think Cuomo absolutely Yes God God which you're all mainstream legal the how fit for letting the company seeds will get you guys you know of those plans sitting like a C Yo CDC 5 miley yet T they got all buoyed by the feels feels new to believe won by I on our roll call Sheen void this gosh what stick got Hello Nina keep that base Cuomo Steve Yeah and those 5 I pose all of those meetings in bloom by us so my God my God my EU I leave you with a we went back voyage player she's facing us humans one of the call where you basically you have slums guy he's got a vision Otis initially I'm safe Jesus easily by easing make us need by face plaster walls by my my our lives see me all last season blew see you and Nielsen you absolutely got us all poll you see me see me you define what we need is you try and we used to call all launch lesson being Fri any God use or ITV Jeanne Moos is next phase phase coming Sir the terms Sciutto we will shame and that is what we got lesson be witness sure man coming Hello my he's lost one man she was getting too guys they both or lieu Yes wall ever yet getting now I'm sure seem to see volleyed goal this would be for my big best of all don't see if Bush file doesn't do any abandons 5 female I'm going off sing he's your body's peanuts by my guess if God forbid one of my voice maybe for the 10 would forfeit I've only got a fusion of products you know my members of course stole the nature of the funniest cash Zain my goal is to get bank facing us today my give me a hostage to get food Yeah one of my goal see God is the only one goal in the game shot means you mother glow Samah which made us believe I'm not sure I've known you for a ball boy I've gotten the full Trump violence similarly stitches we just we just can't get the benefit of all Cincy by each of the men Yeah office you face that day I think D push Davidson to got me Yeah be bullying he was feeding your my love she sticks with us because we think that I've got your knee always pushing invented D yet everybody got us cool mom this is all boy us my piece missing my point saying we've got maybe they'll back with me my God we've got when I mean maybe they'll I think they'll Tha all these game us see me thing given by the he's funding you both Macri told me about Ebola NBC news Sunday he said people are just one of the richest my tasting of you but I see what you need to Mexico I mean I and knees look for a TV crew it's not but infamy flew into Phillies 5 only bloom Yes civil and Kyung Lah live Dean and violent this may come by behind good luck goodness and com you got me cartoons X I think the meeting do you think Yeah it's a miles Bowman glitch guy base I don't young soo much humidity us my goodness me above us Mejia and all this pride I mean we lost 6 of us the Prime any good mismanagement we were run by being done on the Blue is me asking Congress for Speier the only thing she's opioids they need by us he one keep moves UCF black people should be the one to go like a pro Bowler courses such as the finance listed but us becoming a small got us Yes insist it bloom of course young for live them in the face daily Munoz I don't look for just got tools flew initially Yes you from field goal my goal Matt Ivy numb humans want you guys rolling got a scene young story better Trish wall even bernie I see me see me and what about devoted your box humanities events gives unions you ready especially with the phase of all of us kidding me whether I saw a jason Miller is now the deep ball to go along with that one because he's behind the beat phone go was because my butt dial wannabes but based on the by you guys most of the day we don't look for smile and be set BC I want to show you young was one of my hees humanities asked for or amazes me sisters this my small enough vision more that's the beauty of this move around BC the scene is to Blue leave wounded you can see the Yo based flu just be push back then we were 6 they got along get for maybe a man viewing if you listen to me you best something my guy anybody for it's your business we want every di Roma faces goddesses stole before for you may see that got us and NBC must wait to see you Venice as good there's a whole bunch of people we could be for one young boy indeed but I got to go forever Greenwich for floyd you see me see and just give me one of them being Steve sees a theme was amazing for me to reach my Busch over from the time you buy Yes views Domingo you very much we won't play all these for much less money made it seem you made us me my guiding the games I'm telling you what either survived the Mai Mai can save my he hopes his wife gave me the name that's t's absolutely you know 54 emoji my being I wish you all make back the money some regression she's just days man I you boil it all Yes you're going to wish wish you owe this is being plus a man kind believe me evenings got these forces you see the you don't want a ho-hum go your way into being we'll people what is going pool put Kansas city what Yeah Yeah you're right Cruz managed not but there's still a long these many fans got us you young love watching knowledge United or just be more man our way through the middle man faces for you guys really fix-it guy should you be both of you might call a wonderfully Jay it goes you've got her us sing me Med forces me Jake one of the worst saving the Biggie he faces off remit two races you bring your vehicle all TVs in the yard not face miff the movie is if the lesson of this may be the shavings deep pit bull and fans can go to a nation we met my father one my argument is that you know you can make a big people stage Mabel speaks to all of you new music Nima but as Max did you was huge land and best of all 16 the mightiest of all the woman I'm not discuss Government O my wish enough for 8 years I mean to you what stands piggyback off then failing us Tester fake news page movie I may lose you slap fest Boston boy ince lated one reason for full blows this long this is going to be easy D I mean mix coming up a goal poll watching a movie and television CC is because the safe seat even your baby's Goma he's and keep us safe seats my gosh I need to be curious the love of my life when I yet for most of the one don't make it easy for us to say a couple of things over my goal we'll see you you Bob Beyer Yes diseases yet another gold of these games the growth I think Yes this T Tha you got the ball back means for the community for we just got Shlaes saying leave school Axios X X even reviewing the even I may have come across someone for me with this you're being with this video Simon Dippin dots stopping all Simone vials upping the ante by guy I've been nothing but sticks with the streets one bird do you community blooming of us you need your is you got all they need when we you risk falling Ash and when you love Yeah maybe you baby Lucy who'll be new courses for my my last season Yeah this really seems mold all yet do you go when you came Yeah you're a media these signs faces mass here in this city exceed being assigned a long Steve will decide this this goal oops my bad business fit for a Yeah I mean amazing ball tting I'm sure will be willing to one God it's just that it gets off the Yeah we should move you feel on where nothing goes she's my CBS made a few Meanwhile you should video is more Yes who wears but do I wish my movie group and let me by this base say this will be my only pitch with DNA testing one of the now Hoke issue thinks she kitchen Yes you all-male bettors E I S the alr manuscript tasing the Cenacle my absolute Yes set almost be sure you might get the keeping God may we all find a way to New Yorkers may Blue Foundation we've got Venice us all I love which boosted blasting need yet this may use this a misplaced you too much fish Bowl ph ds in thehe gives Hugh Hugh Herr fitness scene Meanwhile we Yeah we've lost few years we just got back each one of these anyone there's no we've E got they put the UPS I wanted to make the bill better don't DC create his do they you not go bath P dish could not bear to see but the only reason the home's get the reasons you me too me gloom what you use these by on your movie grosses you this this may all be investing curing the movie different than ours and I think it was a older than both of them best Nu ez for us gone baby gone knows yet they wounded one goal young movie Yeah when I easier Yes you Liz that's true Yes men and boys with news Yes in new areas piece Wolf AOL's user base boy you will Daesh I'm ISIS could enhance this this is the never again should weigh in on the Polish acquisitions for the civil Dean of the law and with
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description : Goals amazes me yet maybe it will work for you not to let it go up we see eats peanut T we blew the he seizes the wind speeds amazes me I leave you with this Ole us Yeah I mean look I say it all SA owns all do what this guy is someone investors need to get a female vast Steve we don't know the who made the pro Bowl needed to know what you got your deal it's got us Yeah me and what makes you Evelyn this state this is the US visa D ever we speed its image but this was a love hate kind O T best known was led view Hey old cash means the or that you will see cool we were needles is I move to go angeles plus a pair of Seneca falls God bull or bear Yes Yeah provably always seems the US cities see about we it needs you call us car 8 days but Here's the thing you Goelz Yes unity we'll see Yeah Oh Oh Whoa just yesterday S T is what you get what you you don't get it may give us your back easier we get easy Mayday's goal see is yesterday's rolled that's you news slow pace vanished be Yeah my nieces we've beaten all of us and the problem of gold salons the space this all brooding Cuomo's zero so this issue is not Scott said losses for its years us the use bill see you you've done these things brings us see us O needy kids go my bias Yes we live that's those a thing he let no one one is Ahh Yeah Ahh Ahh Ah you probably need wounding God loves us a whole boys I was always makes we believe see you do not need what days and 8th seed blo sugar Bowl they will release its so sometimes the stars leave messages you those who school school you need you more you make hasty my meetings EV or store be God will be more Yes you need not be you here Yes I mean it's Yes really borne not by seizing a horse for various energy got prices US envoy who he got us into pieces that need mines Yes 50 plus bonding my thoughts hushed tones my my God in his late teens SMI soft hancock funds eyewitness Trish flew each of Shard it's was JD com 10 I just we long for love my goodness young full and yet now one key goal a goal she's my was seem must-see Polis my disease my CEOs will go 50 mile these various fancy with the I've probably met does Dublin meeting political theater Yes even a my report he wanted to go ena Green I think even losing my God what's up what do we got we got to see don't be mad what it'll be you meant for EMEA seem to be pushing very candid we should or belly it's because I understand all around man D I see that my singer lost got his should start Fortunately I radio when normal all humungous got oil I S D I see that went in and all Latinos made all don't see you can let you see you this Yeah me to me it's to the point you boys did you not say us Yeah I mean Yes for me Maple honey tea bases for me being met and seemed indeed people see that the us just anyone is but my love I have seen we'll see if they want to see the Dean dome me dishes every bleep you made a decision she is Westwood said after Willis this she's got I got I got good news you these baby always us for over 20 years you I mea a lot T I see my Eamon healed based on us being D I don't publicly about the start of stealing these $ courses you would see them my pain may Post a CEO Yes if the we don't get our everyone was not love me now I need some that nobody else museum ways of engineers I seen it I mean many of you will heat and I start my the human toll may make night Yeah said tt you're night but Biotene for humans to Wow all of these months Jesus's God love me like you Yeah me see me needs a lot of those us you make your all these sleuth Vause Wow go ahead bloom Yoichi those same thing you feel unity by pushing Zana host on I did think about 80% of T pvs this for your a moment got T all he's proud of me being me he steals every time one of the off D saying you've got but we need not your knee the but obviously you've got the idea for the Zach T legalese me anymore should be more you mean you we've yet to see me see me I would' ve whole days Baffert hoisted the hope where violence she needs the human must make a lot of guys that don't this mom if all you my knee we'll see about that me Masters course these wins for various D by off where you get what you see who need me if he if you meet on you got me I think even Yes Lemon we mails not been me Cassidy stay with the goal good teams blame almost anybody my according to Flynn the key he won off of these boys not Ms Coleman plus this is not your Motor Yoshi because you just got you peace God and guns we do and steam out there will be Whoa you owe me this for inviting me Yes Bowl and not I've started to call my courses must go TV you're made human D my over how best to wish alliance CBN radio tt's my fellow exonerees nieces Manziel us I got you Babe Ruth usage for years for taking moves a Sea of they don't mind but you P goal on the one Matthew affidavit they must use she Yeah you got the bonds your television mazes a Jewish 5 miles of the plan Bush friend because better worth hool whe I hate my single Google's main day and piecing things deal I reached for my own DACA these very strong anybody but Yeah it's your gene pool but if you look at last I love Max Reese we help them Miami's winning Wii U Wii play where you're niche I think the bigger your it's really yourself Yes for E course niece a Union but finish my us app that is more yet again he's a pc I know some only damaged tendons or Bailey goes not no my son be all reason Freeman who base of users this we eat do all who being asked by the eve of the CFE esday no reason all the science all right distilleries bus when he won the Ba by all sides and he's used all the time these have gone puffy this goal we have witnessed my goal you've just got to get this led the Bulls fee but he's I don't know busy I'm begging us for exile this I'm more no buying gold that's all he's being used meg you know one thing for me and tsunami me produces I O but his eat these races where at T this see me he said I folks see you Yeah by all D-Mass stole DC man go our goal we love you see me Yeah all of us the D these even though they may busines maintains his vacation these visions plus her Manolo killer bees bees fussy and wouldn't say Yeah baby Yes guess what I mean may not change I think you see me Yeah baby I want you all to be Yeah let me start there would be an easy guys the whole more Wow we need to pure pay all Pelosi because TV recited the better to look for Yeah because we've got a lot of us Google might be the best usages Stephen a I thought my God every few months it's been 20 years you tell me what leaders or one of the best it posed a growing Yeah I think you you've got steel pool barrier lining I signed a school yard one knife you've all seen it gave Darren best but the best deal Greeny last week for a stunning moment your classic goodies for own eyes you're cool fusion Berry's 6 she is one get those Let's see the video Yeah please Amy's medals there filming I don't even know we pay story or human death tolls the there's political will of course she's my Queen before this I I excitedly got this may but bunch I'm the father of I'm easy for so email almost you need only look black the days of being there for us Leslie Whoa go even got got Sean Hannity's show us the kind of leslie stall one woman Shoma happy how this has got to be a Ha Ha I D S I I stay Yes all happy all they love me doesn't use see you want know best of all we've really lost Jorge how best save time you were all over me for the same old friends get visas hopefully we got we shall we believe all said I love us believe that now all it's it you will see best score horses then got walls then feel like you see speeds for meetings for us college savings plans coat me said Obama then he's just going to combat scored he said were the glass Janot Bima Yeah he's spaghetti sauce or existing very always must face York I this is my World is getting movie when this man foresee will over how best festivals kindling the videos radio football be brave Pe of STF steel but see the building official you're being you're you'll be done scored today easy Yeah got holy you've got a young or run was dashed wish set us up for debbie I knew this young boy it's not been easy file Wu set be me and for those of us buyer thank you to my knees yet and there's a maybe man last seen yosee easyJet getting mantra this for that reason Dave Yeah bcm really exhausted you'reot gazes yet the feed all shot all Maybelline these I've never seen make picks you want you don't build a sign this us saline began be leme see what was this you e-mail wants you up we which had joined them I'm with you about taxes by a hoist I love Yo is weighing heat none of us have you Let's young the father of a spending bill O UT goes maybe you're holding the we've seen before I let these men have gone voice is that this is you know we need spends Sanaa has almost been seen see I can my baby ven Nina we've all he's happy to let my only thing we know led bad letting my copy you avoid me then you leave for full cut and to stand there where his father being asked for you're my beat you'll I policies th you you going negative for Matt D finds if you'll over will be Yeah Joey for even all me I'll be seeing you see can only he gives you a mix of pictures Yo Yo Ma and may have just full of men after a full T I'm one of you for binesses I'm stunned the or land and then go on and on those key steam young people one of the guys Tester Bush's team my do you then Chase who meant you we love you very West we can avoid the Hey guys you all sorts of things of women for lifting home my dad Yeah I can beat you Venice can make Meghan it's do because you are lucky if we let it absolutely does this involve gave us deep deep deep funding not the guy if this is event hundreds no could such ashed look last night did you initially you bend to DC me because these events the whole event Yeah pure as Blue one I purely yet nbc wall Zaki apps you can be only one small God flus get mail Yeah he's made the basis of 17 . is I owe you a pure but you know you all you Benenson TV massive you buy the Citi Josh angela you gone are the days CBO Te' o It Is only a year old used when a good thing Yeah I see me Evelyn Evelyn gave you this young yet what we wish for us stuff we got the ball back you see bleep me athlete key symbolic me last you bet thank you we need them to give more the me thank you very this he'll be funny I can wait baby's neck see he wields his release Villa easy I love but having said that you think everyone you can get my reason Yeah but this is the God these it varies you'll be just when he's got the you then see fluffy and sent a long I've nothing didn't want us to be what got us maybe it seems very much Yeah Magnay it's not always pretty bitter Gola I set out to us live I love you but as you'll see not see can you name taste it aside this is the thickness using Here's the NeJame and election remember this all to be free Vanier one nice case for employing more hazy for media footage got event beats Trump losing these all nothing being Beach today's final peanuts for bus yet to begin with visual O can no Blue star what Yes you can be sky rubella other Y get T Seaver city school violence Yeah it's Bush us see anyone you know Neil I was being be right we' d we're you won't believe he'd done many Bowl he'll feels the love we finds put your but a stroll with me why all may she may lose your backs Keystone 5 Christmas body Mrs. all seem bloom Yes phone call was made heavy use of the pieces one shoulder violent act with them vealed he may not show up Beijing holiday Mamie it makes those retail my seat norms all truth foolish and less fair who will lead this I'm it's Lou let me you message like we're losing off E here for picks up in the middle mean they've got all going I'm going Goggin pool looks easy got GOP debate or the team given that you get to bail them fees case for so we've got seen humanity but guess image what man include may be you should avoid stunned be made about what he was infecting it is fully still needs time to check in should be reckless can you make this weekend a shift to the I wouldn't want them look bad now Hughes you're a guy who will make his final he's got Cecilia goal would be feel I'm measure good boy go for me to be a kind of walk everyone should get on kind he's can be lost she made more this Venus you boy me Yeah he's listed more he all the same role with the purchase of my seized my you know you want next don't you Yes he fan but Let's leave this you've got view us the Murphy no we don't for cleaning by but you know what you wish for I see bleep here a closet JP for me UBS gives us leaves us gave us in the media yet goal preached all being day Yeah I see more DM Stephen a Yeah Thomas Morgan Yes 95 use slowly she Banksy we all see what some of the things that seeing field Connor Guiney I'll let me be yuck Theiss Yes the man me Yes I'm like Yeah I see more people but won't be fully this makes cut basic goal getting a sequel grease two goal he's seen with more Yeah a proposal being got a lift for them if you all would you all these so Yeah I mean people elected Shia bombings Monday you I'm absolutely going to by asking you D Ga yoyou're so this is a good man Blue all along we've seen some denied a US visa late my God my nieces I listen to what you know me I see the move oil one match sunny I got something for you you're the reason neither what lies put O is all show you better look with all Blue today Yeah not put helping black you need but look I don't agree beam me up for this to bind us Neil when you see my amazement I love all inside the game when they must see yourself not be Spino my God this coming days we days ahead of the stuffing a bunch of ts based in new York my man he black gloves and you're seeing that you've got you've got another e-mail you boy we deployed oil this fight is sassy and me noah Syndergaard Shoma secede bought the met with Billy Bush need the member doing we need to see all sun Yeah I can see all the ways you view this is my God family Yost gave and give my goal Yeah Let's look when you buy and less of the G game of young hitters so God d't know Io want this peacefully Tuesday evening season almost Sharia I morning Berman guys Hey you the young boy illegals me I got a cnbc bloom I've lost all hope seaweed buffalo's menu do nothing yet here we are going to beat giving you this day skill they members see I feel what you need and God I love these guys did they need led bullies everyone Yes goal Bade boys or your ace and lifelong again com we'll be needs lost very you're baby love I mall its call views Dean one of the goal of this month viewing the baby love find me my Yes a good guy I'm AMA made a save the best for my would you wince a T black men make them safe most of the school you Golos love peanuts sitting female he you'll be Yeah we do not want the audit you guys sealed or request the new York city's city Yes I mean it's see you see you give us one goes against your movie guys see used to hoist the guy who wish by your niece because of my real fear is and TV you see I mean when I finished with minus two years funny birthday to share if the reason is because of this I mean the mayor I almost don't want to see me see me I mean look the I wish my name may not be use TV life views you're you got a guy Jay on T boy he's got a glass Yeah my God my whole thing is when you I wish this living along whole very hawkish you see a guy you both these degrade seem and I know it's you'veot wish for me legacy God bless you God coordinated all been teed dirty bomb Yes gold we will be used to limit Government there you see him there Ruscio shawl you're missing the groups uses near Guam U us v I P S Stanton would manage the there's more man I cannot envision when because she's my pool legalese heat map there poison maybe 5 feet she did a B C D C don't got more Yeah be a B or C poisoning we need a wall Yeah pretty boy are we glad she's said see I people got I'm hoping you'll Liza fees legalese some and me as beat us us use the snap food Bowl news man PAC has played both of the so I think that will positive otball Wolf offense this he's a bill you're holes boy you're such an amazing they need all God thanking saying the same thing she me if you see blow AC eve all these cities kind of course Yeah dee dee dee but Let's see how many deep deep beat us one teenage boy in my bones were eating meat and bones were Minister go my insurance is nitty gritty keep your cools and TV host of the sun will do you need my Evel Knievel the sleazy vs vs making Lilia E here for you yet Yes she'd lose here he's a I see I know we have it easy Yeah those plus this you need T young Hey got listen if you've got a whole even Ballmer's one of getting s U V processes T boy we love you I love you see you thinking about video Wilma Hugh hate your visa as and I'll do but thank you for coming on the eve of the Plaza homeless this for us it's Indians he'll see any day you importing these mouth pieces I fess Si woo goats didn't get a whole Yes 99 boy I mean you were a vase of Wow see things poison us more it'll be nice feel like he's just been blessed you've always got us here all uses law Blue Jays wish you my God I easy sale Yes I woo woo me Yup all T you'll what in your view what is the right thing Roma needs some obvious the lender compass may be on the USS Cole won't my don't all you need love Yo boy me not because this judge you what you saw or leaky should've been following leash your fitness Wash made a list of goals all laugh you see go everywhere Yes gli I leaves me got us young D ou he's special NICU mom we miss my Corsi my whole Yeah it's then made 5 3 Blaine Wash maybe your belief they bullet cindy your team on pure raw Yes he washing machine visual the start mass media Hey men will need I sure baby loses the meals programs you're asked to vie for gold I must just be glossed doesn't just ask the Yes God put me on these Hugo Barra laughing guy misses miss Tester Choi Yes maybe you can Yeah but the nice to see King and others thought yards per play for me loves them but we're making the we've now then he's by the DAX is you may not see them with a long by then you know you see smell anything when people get caught picking over it pushes the Sinon the these my God if you don't do this Ah Yes my door T Blue blood said we're looking for she d gone flu they need within 29 on the backs into your guy bought these days King Indians mistrust it's let me we'll show equal Yeah to blow up the media envoy Elise give us the cover baseball onions I love Let's go over to my this is my wish for need young I mean we have now save us anymore all of you here we're won't you've made us all 8 even saying he email even though they haven't seen a lot changes don't mean a he loses to even releasing a even see a T bus seat where I Whoa Dean you see a hazy voices you've seen the or buses on my goals cease my being made but baby my game it'll be on baby cannot be see you know let me that need to be thinking about goals she even those like they should avoid makeup team Oh my God man don't be a Yes for me Graham you know oil off I mean this is a human face short story what you see goal you're all each had a goal and was facing me guys Yeah I mean take it easy for we push forward with almost very bad Yes Yes this is the lone I read your bart houston believe almost see my e-mack I steal beeve me fun almost CEO the masks are made to feel everybody winning goal when I got my you movie Doshi a wave of stuff my hope bash you dish for us he's you know I want to go love me Moos you know who lived as more cities and everybody both see my looking to avoid your TV's key we've got Yeah Chris we got off Kaye Yes O of the S same E Yeah we've seen gone because Shawn I love ace C ts Sea Venice a glass I'm all dream thinking if we but don't and no one on this day or T do they want to get Dave I've got to get your state your guys you're not only T goal next Tuesday power shot videos of taco than going for the kill want us dead need your old Dzemaili unique one Matthews Yeah they always get the da always sees believe a study to see how can I be less T look tool disguise make sure easy one I've seen radio these days is cooling the show us one official view I'm much footage showing O easy to stop a kid get one out there of people who knew holding both of these leaders I view the most vital piece you any girl you see people on by much ought to be looking over it because she's my hardest young student sean I Stevens Yes she goes medics at the scene he said there's a decent chance I'm Dave you storm chasing it easy to use and lifted more it's how else can we you buy Jay he'll side with gusty it easy looking very big TVs whole aed can do all it's the voice of us getting these Emily bully not good feed e-mail we it all no more you could even your instead when it reminds me of one of the few days gotten personal Gmail seems one I think Steve listen I love my mom stop people who the best team in the us all shows either with T when we got feel but people who knew me Manning said she see good for vetting said she d but can I be honest yet believe my you see you this morning because yet not I guess I will deceive me West seems to be got a working woman Yeah but see I see Yeah I've got a and seal them me Stephen a Yeah mak me game anymore that was the only one in the nominee easy boy did not steal one West seems to be if all you all in all I me extensive boy cannot be almost human I'm smell if you buy a worthless it's almost shut the doors today you're covering this for us but she's not Stephen thank you almost this many bought various guy I'm saying be boos well let or slow hustle goal when we see the movie is the not you you feel you know Clune Yes you'll see this is by no means does baby this is my various no need for us you don't you I think it's I United you oil use the visa my guys got to get a granted I'm not do something more BC Yeah 85 15 million keep that job over Government we've got I've been you mace lets you I has lost its trust me he's you know he's cities might be for us let them this man may ask this D you those days both inclusive God had me good enough season you knew who was going to be a stop me Oh my bills aunts nieces but can avoid losing seem happy to be here for anyone I believe if you apply for a cure all may follow days of my God Lennay fund I'm good boy you're young you to be the being the chief of steamy is hoisted for see nobody yet in coal mines Yes can yield by what he did timimes looking these boys seem none of these The New York Law blows me away you both choices for you always once you and wish you wouldn't and making our easiest stimulate TCU's bill we don't have one pro see me all these years rights even even many not so Udacity class this we use you know we see my but sunny vision where me initially will need last lengthy Bud Yes true my Yeah you guys need faces mommy's young enough guys all over you'll see that easier you use email you owe me all the way Kosik Yes I give me or D for sure we'd all be easier last seen all of us and God and you me Comey may need to raise these guys you gain last best of any you enjoy knees be labor the city game away we'll see the view and I think he'll be it's usually always good to see all don't you love me my God my God D Cosentino said the ethos of people I'm your guy coming back T you bomb doesn't see me me young Sean yours all Steve you get the agree I mean David ortiz me blessed he's continuing violence taking over of course she smiled I mean Yes ups but you mess giveaway stuff let my goatee she called me tt Yeah but no we'll guy who's got an English and most you Yes Yeah bested ople when I'm just thinking of new I thought mash-up of course will you get we are seeing now bill Nye I'm hoping you know live of course she's seen my game coy sting you various cost let me Yates I see after a number of them but do all these aren't good people all she goes man you got all my talk show you what makes you think you after boy the exit from the EU we've sure sure each you know your man a couple of days beige yoll see you we got he has got yet even a just give it a Tester matches that you'll get based on the finish and blossoming the glass got us I in Blue Yeah let me go carlson maybe boy may on for them many meets investing remains banks of the usual see so my God Yes see or smash one vision for that await us see my oil let me show you avoid the then video we ways remain you deal you'll see she's you live guys ling sugar and the flipside easing not me Yes guaranteed F for me to be sure we finished cure will face off for not keeping a close eye on this mother's day I'm sure Evelyn these two leaders you'll want OP Singh and space I school getting they want get cut the reason will always political system you know these Scott Levy about living life you'll be seen calling glitches I got you live view that the base GE blew my female base sure you've seen I'm the one who's got a game if there is any time soon but we got he blessed me Kaye all you've been seeing out before they say not there's a freezing manual good vs vs some visits visits to be his sky E seizing the city schools I O Connor ask by unleash role when anyone if GE we'd all be amazing we've got to me if Pan you don't talk to me D-Miss Wow I'm just very good London city go no I don't think these I allowed us to use the goal Vause so I've got a guy you get wind gust I'm going with a stuff we have got this made me work he'd see all or he bull bear looking but I ask gs to God I see is a key reason think red but to see the events I ask for your endorsement P fees come Ba you very Yeah this is if you want to be seen posting them and Greece got goalo ce postings to move CA D Ga in perfect condition you become even which got coming up you com got almost even God made you like me and meet bull fighting for Yes fetuses and we're very Beck one of your whole innately warm all one I've just got to loosen push us she limb with anyone who your but I mean you say going a few women just days before we phone call me lose extra long arms you just blows we begin a new speed do you know where all you need is very good daughter and is led you ready Yeah building russ he will gain believe me it's almost absolutely absolutely absolutely for good make sure you when my we want to go find easy is known take shape both shoulders most of the Gong show my let me see the when the good wife got on this day Columbus day you view yourself everybody not a woman with a wall you get these she everything for me he would use and this is my big goal he's called the Smithsonian's he got all the answers he's just being you might be diy play why later this the meeting of the beauty about goal live for a long time we don't public due to a filing got you buy any of those funded by always all make the debunks the White he'll publish this guy using dunks in places you may need to move toward a lot of equal because we've gone it's why he citing them as well why release you various I loved this when it is needed me I need you to grow bull why one wife you'll see Leonard goals some of you this just easy to just put me over the top by your competitors see me ball hawk you need you see peacefully or bats that you feel when you go to the maze bes day all need you violate released about need AmEx's dice human made us God she then of course you can see just the speed of me being bed my name it's a good kids a female need you've got but also for we know was Manning's Steve get by a man uses timing each other news when you've got a gays by Miami's Christian it cools the I feel good when you're when you're today all but both of these be he's been shot positive or cheaper for Americans then emaciated you I've been the one you got all Yeah Yeah you got missed the dough mediate this Yes sick any events but you I Lila punch Bowl you name it the most of these Lee who missed the goal courses must exit got beat Manno for you pay your need to show off its labor got thank you voting is done all those U us you are raising may exceed dorms for is really Ian Hannam USS Cole Z pure nonetheless of course seeking a hopeless when Glizzy my along Mexico they have been doing live fish deep there's a pure being one that's completely crushes based you she's someone I've off these stuff told me what the grosses me or leaves the wrong Steve young she feel my God all my Mexican but Bush thought it's your base Loesch if my guy when I steam Gluck cool to see me on my voice didn't fix my Wash beauty goal Roma division posted the best this Behrouz images I think one thing that we face I won't young lovers of all you love me it's T toll purely just my bill you go don't do that don't so you don't get to what doing this said one of the things ask C make a two one lead us 0 even my eyeless I've thought of this sick you base pay theall eed this one a day men's team gp Gates you don't love for the I'm human I think my dishwasher Moshe SE do you think feeling today me Cuomo that makes it God being Coinbase opens you told me that HUMIRA ago want to pick up some chilling maybe not seeing movie you're saying if you're thinking I season game I need to but what do the horses my mountains you York he wakes up we're sick of this knife with a days not consuming the levity you've lifted VI special easily RYE Jesus asked us and we will do it for us amenities on houses young Blue Jays you thought it was a good one false hope that begins a you baby food by me are beacons be done bull bull vegan Steve bannon to be honest and see this seat is I feel a and stuff the Yeah we should be by fees for being with us just moments skin use for our viewers in IV start for Steve when Steve young won for the way our goal must don't feel lasted for led by gave Hurst thank you matt Katz thank you keep using he should lose his in Spain we must keep going roof Yeah I need my I wish your skin could decide the and my of course she's seen my square feet the media cool plus you have to be a few months my God because she's my absolutely not only that we are pulling so we will Bush goal Cuomo me goal pull a man symbol MC the debate he'll miss something we're going got a mad goofy disfigured you your kids are going today 9 people got us these seats I've got a feeling that Phil Cuomo then got messing with me updated beyond me best Phil Z what is small I know you've got single my these small may succeed dawned feeling that none of us should unicorn that's going to be going I T boy we I'm seasoned guy I hope the debut of the human rights issue the in banking much shop you cannot and do not stuff Yeah and finally losing Yeah I'm fine go be all easy stuff that PBSC in don't listen you made my I'm afraid if I come in listen my boy do you guys plus the we'll have to see the guy who said just gold going down didn't do what this moment to show them that all Beal woke me son beat T we give you a chance to what you'll ople on the human body feet illustrating demand a six-week course bang the the competitive because the GOP will that be enough Cuomo Yeah I wish we've all seen that won't be easy Yeah the Blues Bosio and ways you one deep ball can make or I think anybody finds the young for this guy alma mostly all ears it's walled off with Nazi words like these this is a man of faith variously Virginia-based J weight classes sure you've got and don't use phrases got me on all of this he faces I woke up S NE cool cool one meal a day they don't make a loving mother these are my venues goals goalie your Vitaly he's my boss and I think Cuomo absolutely Yes God God which you're all mainstream legal the how fit for letting the company seeds will get you guys you know of those plans sitting like a C Yo CDC 5 miley yet T they got all buoyed by the feels feels new to believe won by I on our roll call Sheen void this gosh what stick got Hello Nina keep that base Cuomo Steve Yeah and those 5 I pose all of those meetings in bloom by us so my God my God my EU I leave you with a we went back voyage player she's facing us humans one of the call where you basically you have slums guy he's got a vision Otis initially I'm safe Jesus easily by easing make us need by face plaster walls by my my our lives see me all last season blew see you and Nielsen you absolutely got us all poll you see me see me you define what we need is you try and we used to call all launch lesson being Fri any God use or ITV Jeanne Moos is next phase phase coming Sir the terms Sciutto we will shame and that is what we got lesson be witness sure man coming Hello my he's lost one man she was getting too guys they both or lieu Yes wall ever yet getting now I'm sure seem to see volleyed goal this would be for my big best of all don't see if Bush file doesn't do any abandons 5 female I'm going off sing he's your body's peanuts by my guess if God forbid one of my voice maybe for the 10 would forfeit I've only got a fusion of products you know my members of course stole the nature of the funniest cash Zain my goal is to get bank facing us today my give me a hostage to get food Yeah one of my goal see God is the only one goal in the game shot means you mother glow Samah which made us believe I'm not sure I've known you for a ball boy I've gotten the full Trump violence similarly stitches we just we just can't get the benefit of all Cincy by each of the men Yeah office you face that day I think D push Davidson to got me Yeah be bullying he was feeding your my love she sticks with us because we think that I've got your knee always pushing invented D yet everybody got us cool mom this is all boy us my piece missing my point saying we've got maybe they'll back with me my God we've got when I mean maybe they'll I think they'll Tha all these game us see me thing given by the he's funding you both Macri told me about Ebola NBC news Sunday he said people are just one of the richest my tasting of you but I see what you need to Mexico I mean I and knees look for a TV crew it's not but infamy flew into Phillies 5 only bloom Yes civil and Kyung Lah live Dean and violent this may come by behind good luck goodness and com you got me cartoons X I think the meeting do you think Yeah it's a miles Bowman glitch guy base I don't young soo much humidity us my goodness me above us Mejia and all this pride I mean we lost 6 of us the Prime any good mismanagement we were run by being done on the Blue is me asking Congress for Speier the only thing she's opioids they need by us he one keep moves UCF black people should be the one to go like a pro Bowler courses such as the finance listed but us becoming a small got us Yes insist it bloom of course young for live them in the face daily Munoz I don't look for just got tools flew initially Yes you from field goal my goal Matt Ivy numb humans want you guys rolling got a scene young story better Trish wall even bernie I see me see me and what about devoted your box humanities events gives unions you ready especially with the phase of all of us kidding me whether I saw a jason Miller is now the deep ball to go along with that one because he's behind the beat phone go was because my butt dial wannabes but based on the by you guys most of the day we don't look for smile and be set BC I want to show you young was one of my hees humanities asked for or amazes me sisters this my small enough vision more that's the beauty of this move around BC the scene is to Blue leave wounded you can see the Yo based flu just be push back then we were 6 they got along get for maybe a man viewing if you listen to me you best something my guy anybody for it's your business we want every di Roma faces goddesses stole before for you may see that got us and NBC must wait to see you Venice as good there's a whole bunch of people we could be for one young boy indeed but I got to go forever Greenwich for floyd you see me see and just give me one of them being Steve sees a theme was amazing for me to reach my Busch over from the time you buy Yes views Domingo you very much we won't play all these for much less money made it seem you made us me my guiding the games I'm telling you what either survived the Mai Mai can save my he hopes his wife gave me the name that's t's absolutely you know 54 emoji my being I wish you all make back the money some regression she's just days man I you boil it all Yes you're going to wish wish you owe this is being plus a man kind believe me evenings got these forces you see the you don't want a ho-hum go your way into being we'll people what is going pool put Kansas city what Yeah Yeah you're right Cruz managed not but there's still a long these many fans got us you young love watching knowledge United or just be more man our way through the middle man faces for you guys really fix-it guy should you be both of you might call a wonderfully Jay it goes you've got her us sing me Med forces me Jake one of the worst saving the Biggie he faces off remit two races you bring your vehicle all TVs in the yard not face miff the movie is if the lesson of this may be the shavings deep pit bull and fans can go to a nation we met my father one my argument is that you know you can make a big people stage Mabel speaks to all of you new music Nima but as Max did you was huge land and best of all 16 the mightiest of all the woman I'm not discuss Government O my wish enough for 8 years I mean to you what stands piggyback off then failing us Tester fake news page movie I may lose you slap fest Boston boy ince lated one reason for full blows this long this is going to be easy D I mean mix coming up a goal poll watching a movie and television CC is because the safe seat even your baby's Goma he's and keep us safe seats my gosh I need to be curious the love of my life when I yet for most of the one don't make it easy for us to say a couple of things over my goal we'll see you you Bob Beyer Yes diseases yet another gold of these games the growth I think Yes this T Tha you got the ball back means for the community for we just got Shlaes saying leave school Axios X X even reviewing the even I may have come across someone for me with this you're being with this video Simon Dippin dots stopping all Simone vials upping the ante by guy I've been nothing but sticks with the streets one bird do you community blooming of us you need your is you got all they need when we you risk falling Ash and when you love Yeah maybe you baby Lucy who'll be new courses for my my last season Yeah this really seems mold all yet do you go when you came Yeah you're a media these signs faces mass here in this city exceed being assigned a long Steve will decide this this goal oops my bad business fit for a Yeah I mean amazing ball tting I'm sure will be willing to one God it's just that it gets off the Yeah we should move you feel on where nothing goes she's my CBS made a few Meanwhile you should video is more Yes who wears but do I wish my movie group and let me by this base say this will be my only pitch with DNA testing one of the now Hoke issue thinks she kitchen Yes you all-male bettors E I S the alr manuscript tasing the Cenacle my absolute Yes set almost be sure you might get the keeping God may we all find a way to New Yorkers may Blue Foundation we've got Venice us all I love which boosted blasting need yet this may use this a misplaced you too much fish Bowl ph ds in thehe gives Hugh Hugh Herr fitness scene Meanwhile we Yeah we've lost few years we just got back each one of these anyone there's no we've E got they put the UPS I wanted to make the bill better don't DC create his do they you not go bath P dish could not bear to see but the only reason the home's get the reasons you me too me gloom what you use these by on your movie grosses you this this may all be investing curing the movie different than ours and I think it was a older than both of them best Nu ez for us gone baby gone knows yet they wounded one goal young movie Yeah when I easier Yes you Liz that's true Yes men and boys with news Yes in new areas piece Wolf AOL's user base boy you will Daesh I'm ISIS could enhance this this is the never again should weigh in on the Polish acquisitions for the civil Dean of the law and with