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Αγγλικά - Amazing animals: Περιγράφω και μιλάω για τα ζώα - Δ' Δημοτικού Επ. 56 /
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Αγγλικά - Amazing animals: Περιγράφω και μιλάω για τα ζώα - Δ' Δημοτικού Επ. 56 /
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Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων
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Δημόσιος τομέας
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Ανοικτά μαθήματα
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Ανοικτά μαθήματα
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Υπουργείο Παιδείας
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monumental music Good morning. My name is Dimitris R tissue miles, today we are going to Είστε έτοιμοι από το βιβλίο σας. Μπορείτε να το ακούσετε? Ακόμα, τι είναι αυτό? Είναι ένα άτομο? Ποιο άτομο είναι αυτό? Ναι, είναι ένα ελεύθερο. Ακόμα, υπάρχουν ελεύθεροι στην Ελλάδα? Τι κάνει το άτομο εδώ? Ναι, είναι σωστό. Σήμερα θα μιλήσουμε για τα άτομα. Και τα άτομα είναι υπέροχα. Μπορείτε να το ακούσετε πέντε άτομα? Κοιτάξτε αυτά τα άτομα. Μπορείτε να τα ακούσετε? Μπορώ να βλέπω έναν παιδί. Τι μπορείτε να βλέπετε? Ωραία. Αυτή είναι μια γυράφα. Αυτή είναι μια κοίτα. Αυτή είναι ένα ραβίτ. Αυτή είναι μια σναίκα. Και αυτή η μικρή είναι μια μάουσα. Αυτή είναι ένα τότος. Όταν ζουν στη Λευκή, τους ονομάζουμε τότος. Όταν ζουν στη Λευκή, τους ονομάζουμε τότος. Τι ονομάζουμε τότος? Τότος, πολύ καλά. Αυτή είναι μια φύση. Η φύση μπορεί να φύγει. Οι φύσες έχουν κομμάτια. Και έχουν πράγματα. Μερικοί άτομα είναι μεγάλοι. Και μερικοί άτομα είναι μικροί. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Όπως αυτή η μικρή. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Όπως αυτή η φλωμίνγκο. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Και αρέσουν να φύγουν. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν μικροί. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν παιδιά. Αυτή είναι μια φύση. Αυτή είναι μια φύση. Μερικοί άτομα, όπως αυτή, έχουν... ...κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Ξέρετε κάποιους άλλους άτομα που κομμάτουν κομμάτια? Ναι. Οι παιδιά κομμάτουν κομμάτια. Οι παιδιά κομμάτουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα μπορεί να φυγόταν. Κοίτατε το μυσ. Έχει ελαιόδια. Και μπορεί να φυγόταν. Κοίτατε τα όμορφα цветά. Μερικοί άτομα μπορούν να φύγουν. Αυτή είναι ένα παιδιά. Μερικοί άτομα μπορούν να μυγόταν. Μερικοί άτομα μπορούν να λάβουν. Μερικοί άνθρωποι μπορούν να τραγουδάσουν και, όπως αυτοί οι σκύπτες, κάνουν νερό. Μερικοί άνθρωποι μπορούν να κλείσουν σκύπτες. Τώρα, τι χρώμα είναι οι άνθρωποι? Ναι, πολύ καλά. Είναι χρυσό, μαύρο, γελό, πολύ καλά. Μερικοί άνθρωποι έχουν έναν χρώμα και μερικοί άλλοι έχουν πολλά χρώματα. Κοιτάξτε αυτό το καμμύλιον, έχει πολλά χρώματα. Είναι αλλάξει κάθε φορά που υπάρχει φόβο. Είπατε ότι οι άνθρωποι μπορούν να κλείσουν, μπορούν να τραγουδάσουν, μπορούν να τραγουδάσουν, μπορούν να κλείσουν. Πολύ καλά. Now, where do animals live? Some animals live in the forest. And some animals live in the sea. And some animals live in our house. Now, let's play a game. I want you to take a piece of paper. We need a piece of paper and a marker or a pencil. So grab your pencil, grab a piece of paper and let's draw. Let's draw together. This animal has got a round face. And it's got two small ears. Two small ears. It has a small mouth and a small round nose. And it's got moustache. But we don't call it moustache, we call it whiskers. And it's got a tail. It lives in houses. Sometimes it lives in houses, sometimes it lives outside. It loves fish. And it loves milk. And every morning it meows. Let's do it again. Now, this animal has got a round face. Small ears. It's got two eyes. A small nose, a small mouth and whiskers. Very good! It's a cat! Well done! Very good! Now I'm going to tell you about my favourite animal. But I want you to guess it. Guess the name of my favourite animal. It can swim. It lives in Greece and in other countries. It lays eggs. Sometimes it goes to the beach. No, it doesn't go there to drink orange juice. It goes there to lay eggs. Every two years it lays eggs. And it goes to beautiful beaches at night. It digs and nests and then it lays its eggs there. And then when the eggs hatch, the small turtles... Yes, you guessed it correctly. It's turtles. Very good! My favourite animal is caretta caretta. It's a turtle and it lives here in Greece. Now this is what caretta caretta looks like. It's got a shell. It can swim. And it loves Greek beaches. Now there are many, many caretta turtles in a place called Zakynthos. In Crete and in the Peloponnese. Caretta caretta loves beaches. Nice, sandy beaches. Quiet beaches. One of these beaches is called Laganas. It is in Zakynthos. Turtles go there and they lay their eggs every one or two years. But there's a small problem. Watch the video and look at the nests. Look at the people. They're away from the nests. People in Zakynthos love turtles. And there are people who help the turtles. People don't go very close to the nests. But turtles don't like noise. And they don't like people. So they want to lay their eggs in a nice, quiet place. When the small turtles hatch, then they go to the sea and they swim. Turtles are about a meter long and they have about 115 eggs. Yes, 115 eggs every time they lay eggs. But it's not easy for small turtles because birds eat them. Only one out of many, many, many turtles survives. Now, some turtles are in danger. But it's not only turtles. Some animals, other animals are in danger. Elephants are in danger. Giraffes are in danger. Why? Why are they in danger? People use many plastics. What's wrong with plastics? Yes, you are right. Animals think it is food. They eat the food and they die. Is it a good idea to use plastic cups? Sometimes forests are burned. There are fires in forests and the animals cannot survive. Now, what can we do to protect animals? Can we save animals? Can we protect animals? What do you think? Yes, I'm sure you have great ideas. Let's write some on the board. Protect the animals. Yes, this is a very good idea. We don't throw rubbish. Very good. Why? Because animals eat it. Any more ideas? Yes, very good. We don't use plastic. Yes, that's another good idea. Very good. We don't burn forests. Very good. Great. I'm sure that you all love animals and animals are great. They are amazing creatures. Now we're going to do a project. What do you need? You need paper. You need a pen. And I want you to think of the following. This is your project. I'm sure that your teacher will love it. First of all, what's the name of the animal? Where does it live? What is it like? Is it big or small? Has it got long legs, short legs, a long tail? What colour is it? What does it eat? How many years does it live? Five, ten years? Some parrots can live a hundred years. If you answer these questions, you can have your project. Now I know that some of you are at home and you want to do something nice for your room. So we can make a poster. Here is a short, small poster that I have made. It's very easy to make it. All you need is paper and markers. How can you do that? It's very easy. Let me show you on the board. Now this is your paper. On the left, draw the picture of your animal. You can draw it or you can put a photo of your favourite animal. And here, write the name of the animal. My cat, my dog. Write the name of the animal. Is it a pet? Is it a wild animal? Does it live in the forest? Does it live in the sea? What colour is it? Is it black and white? What does it love? Does it jump? Does it drink milk? My dog, it called Bog and he is black and white. What does he do? What does he do every day? What do dogs do? What do they do? Bark. He barks. And what else does he do? He jumps. And jumps on my bed. In the morning. Yes, he loves biscuits. Do you love the animal? I love it. I love my pet. So today we talked about animals and we said that animals are amazing, very good. Animals can, yes, they can fly, they can walk, they can run, very good, and they can climb, very good. And some animals have got fur, very good. Some of them have got feathers, very good. Some of them have got tails. Yes, some of them live in the forest, very good. Yes, some of them live in our houses, very good. Thank you very much. I really enjoyed the lesson. Enjoy making your poster. Thank you very much.
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: monumental music Good morning. My name is Dimitris R tissue miles, today we are going to Είστε έτοιμοι από το βιβλίο σας. Μπορείτε να το ακούσετε? Ακόμα, τι είναι αυτό? Είναι ένα άτομο? Ποιο άτομο είναι αυτό? Ναι, είναι ένα ελεύθερο. Ακόμα, υπάρχουν ελεύθεροι στην Ελλάδα? Τι κάνει το άτομο εδώ? Ναι, είναι σωστό. Σήμερα θα μιλήσουμε για τα άτομα. Και τα άτομα είναι υπέροχα. Μπορείτε να το ακούσετε πέντε άτομα? Κοιτάξτε αυτά τα άτομα. Μπορείτε να τα ακούσετε? Μπορώ να βλέπω έναν παιδί. Τι μπορείτε να βλέπετε? Ωραία. Αυτή είναι μια γυράφα. Αυτή είναι μια κοίτα. Αυτή είναι ένα ραβίτ. Αυτή είναι μια σναίκα. Και αυτή η μικρή είναι μια μάουσα. Αυτή είναι ένα τότος. Όταν ζουν στη Λευκή, τους ονομάζουμε τότος. Όταν ζουν στη Λευκή, τους ονομάζουμε τότος. Τι ονομάζουμε τότος? Τότος, πολύ καλά. Αυτή είναι μια φύση. Η φύση μπορεί να φύγει. Οι φύσες έχουν κομμάτια. Και έχουν πράγματα. Μερικοί άτομα είναι μεγάλοι. Και μερικοί άτομα είναι μικροί. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Όπως αυτή η μικρή. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Όπως αυτή η φλωμίνγκο. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Και αρέσουν να φύγουν. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν μικροί. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν παιδιά. Αυτή είναι μια φύση. Αυτή είναι μια φύση. Μερικοί άτομα, όπως αυτή, έχουν... ...κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Ξέρετε κάποιους άλλους άτομα που κομμάτουν κομμάτια? Ναι. Οι παιδιά κομμάτουν κομμάτια. Οι παιδιά κομμάτουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα έχουν κομμάτια. Μερικοί άτομα μπορεί να φυγόταν. Κοίτατε το μυσ. Έχει ελαιόδια. Και μπορεί να φυγόταν. Κοίτατε τα όμορφα цветά. Μερικοί άτομα μπορούν να φύγουν. Αυτή είναι ένα παιδιά. Μερικοί άτομα μπορούν να μυγόταν. Μερικοί άτομα μπορούν να λάβουν. Μερικοί άνθρωποι μπορούν να τραγουδάσουν και, όπως αυτοί οι σκύπτες, κάνουν νερό. Μερικοί άνθρωποι μπορούν να κλείσουν σκύπτες. Τώρα, τι χρώμα είναι οι άνθρωποι? Ναι, πολύ καλά. Είναι χρυσό, μαύρο, γελό, πολύ καλά. Μερικοί άνθρωποι έχουν έναν χρώμα και μερικοί άλλοι έχουν πολλά χρώματα. Κοιτάξτε αυτό το καμμύλιον, έχει πολλά χρώματα. Είναι αλλάξει κάθε φορά που υπάρχει φόβο. Είπατε ότι οι άνθρωποι μπορούν να κλείσουν, μπορούν να τραγουδάσουν, μπορούν να τραγουδάσουν, μπορούν να κλείσουν. Πολύ καλά. Now, where do animals live? Some animals live in the forest. And some animals live in the sea. And some animals live in our house. Now, let's play a game. I want you to take a piece of paper. We need a piece of paper and a marker or a pencil. So grab your pencil, grab a piece of paper and let's draw. Let's draw together. This animal has got a round face. And it's got two small ears. Two small ears. It has a small mouth and a small round nose. And it's got moustache. But we don't call it moustache, we call it whiskers. And it's got a tail. It lives in houses. Sometimes it lives in houses, sometimes it lives outside. It loves fish. And it loves milk. And every morning it meows. Let's do it again. Now, this animal has got a round face. Small ears. It's got two eyes. A small nose, a small mouth and whiskers. Very good! It's a cat! Well done! Very good! Now I'm going to tell you about my favourite animal. But I want you to guess it. Guess the name of my favourite animal. It can swim. It lives in Greece and in other countries. It lays eggs. Sometimes it goes to the beach. No, it doesn't go there to drink orange juice. It goes there to lay eggs. Every two years it lays eggs. And it goes to beautiful beaches at night. It digs and nests and then it lays its eggs there. And then when the eggs hatch, the small turtles... Yes, you guessed it correctly. It's turtles. Very good! My favourite animal is caretta caretta. It's a turtle and it lives here in Greece. Now this is what caretta caretta looks like. It's got a shell. It can swim. And it loves Greek beaches. Now there are many, many caretta turtles in a place called Zakynthos. In Crete and in the Peloponnese. Caretta caretta loves beaches. Nice, sandy beaches. Quiet beaches. One of these beaches is called Laganas. It is in Zakynthos. Turtles go there and they lay their eggs every one or two years. But there's a small problem. Watch the video and look at the nests. Look at the people. They're away from the nests. People in Zakynthos love turtles. And there are people who help the turtles. People don't go very close to the nests. But turtles don't like noise. And they don't like people. So they want to lay their eggs in a nice, quiet place. When the small turtles hatch, then they go to the sea and they swim. Turtles are about a meter long and they have about 115 eggs. Yes, 115 eggs every time they lay eggs. But it's not easy for small turtles because birds eat them. Only one out of many, many, many turtles survives. Now, some turtles are in danger. But it's not only turtles. Some animals, other animals are in danger. Elephants are in danger. Giraffes are in danger. Why? Why are they in danger? People use many plastics. What's wrong with plastics? Yes, you are right. Animals think it is food. They eat the food and they die. Is it a good idea to use plastic cups? Sometimes forests are burned. There are fires in forests and the animals cannot survive. Now, what can we do to protect animals? Can we save animals? Can we protect animals? What do you think? Yes, I'm sure you have great ideas. Let's write some on the board. Protect the animals. Yes, this is a very good idea. We don't throw rubbish. Very good. Why? Because animals eat it. Any more ideas? Yes, very good. We don't use plastic. Yes, that's another good idea. Very good. We don't burn forests. Very good. Great. I'm sure that you all love animals and animals are great. They are amazing creatures. Now we're going to do a project. What do you need? You need paper. You need a pen. And I want you to think of the following. This is your project. I'm sure that your teacher will love it. First of all, what's the name of the animal? Where does it live? What is it like? Is it big or small? Has it got long legs, short legs, a long tail? What colour is it? What does it eat? How many years does it live? Five, ten years? Some parrots can live a hundred years. If you answer these questions, you can have your project. Now I know that some of you are at home and you want to do something nice for your room. So we can make a poster. Here is a short, small poster that I have made. It's very easy to make it. All you need is paper and markers. How can you do that? It's very easy. Let me show you on the board. Now this is your paper. On the left, draw the picture of your animal. You can draw it or you can put a photo of your favourite animal. And here, write the name of the animal. My cat, my dog. Write the name of the animal. Is it a pet? Is it a wild animal? Does it live in the forest? Does it live in the sea? What colour is it? Is it black and white? What does it love? Does it jump? Does it drink milk? My dog, it called Bog and he is black and white. What does he do? What does he do every day? What do dogs do? What do they do? Bark. He barks. And what else does he do? He jumps. And jumps on my bed. In the morning. Yes, he loves biscuits. Do you love the animal? I love it. I love my pet. So today we talked about animals and we said that animals are amazing, very good. Animals can, yes, they can fly, they can walk, they can run, very good, and they can climb, very good. And some animals have got fur, very good. Some of them have got feathers, very good. Some of them have got tails. Yes, some of them live in the forest, very good. Yes, some of them live in our houses, very good. Thank you very much. I really enjoyed the lesson. Enjoy making your poster. Thank you very much.