8 Παλμοκωδική διαμόρφωση. (P.C.M.) /

: Gunmetal shows with death guns some of the most should be cm up that schedule Nixon by the school will issue we have left a vocal from the sun I was giving I'm most should to school bourse is more cautious in their nonot bodies these Anna I know you course among 6 fake Morsi sieve McCullough...

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Κύριος δημιουργός: Ιωάννης Βανδίκας
Φορέας:ΤΕΙ Δυτικής Μακεδονίας
Είδος:Ανοικτά μαθήματα
Συλλογή:Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών ΤΕ / Συστήματα Τηλεπικοινωνίας / Εργαστήριο
Ημερομηνία έκδοσης: ΤΕΙ Δυτικής Μακεδονίας 2015
Άδεια Χρήσης:CC - Αναφορά - Μη Εμπορική Χρήση - Όχι Παράγωγα Έργα
Διαθέσιμο Online:https://openclass.teiwm.gr/modules/units/?course=EE113&id=885
: Gunmetal shows with death guns some of the most should be cm up that schedule Nixon by the school will issue we have left a vocal from the sun I was giving I'm most should to school bourse is more cautious in their nonot bodies these Anna I know you course among 6 fake Morsi sieve McCullough to cushion late AP It Is therefore I guess to miss seem rather the throne I asked that that Purisima Zimmerman's a vacation symbol one type ex national I'm the captain of the guessing but it cannot bottom end unless music my will give it to me that's a judgment sips of Fairport buczek S with a lineman yet it will take this man's we sent two women the anybody that can Yams sitting in Castel conclusion would have said some coming doesn't I'm going she goes in a goal got us this means and got us in studio because snow total gun adjusted to the emotion but it still brutal manner ocean I let me team VIG month Eileen Sheil completion unacceptably woman last month Zygmunt you CA you need Yes Jessica we love fun me Zeke Motta Apple bluntly consumer assuming the militants shanghainese wrote of the month Williams Yes so I think you'll Sistema flipping and intellectuals the blast there swings this one just Schumer fulfillment that gunman's mother who sit yet but as Yeah for limits on its Muslim Shia and not gotten I mean Yes ts woman coconut you Yes will they loved ones who did something to react Gorsuch gets will this never skids is not doesn't muddling cs but then it blew I still execute its he got most of the city people you can appeal to a above me get opened up last dismays brought us the other it today she got the skids it depends Vick upping the Nevis kids she wrote of what appears in his son it curative the push for a vitamin D the life of me reement takes fewer kids Yes what about the unofficial couple Schumer was beloved by the Galland she month and assuming they do becaue consumer stimulative Schmidt op one week you will see such thinking E corner the may stoke she developed a new infections been made tactical I race with doesn't want any chance supposedly pledged to Vick Mega hits enough funds to slip could point to Brooklyn to Shima was complete I if in case of a motherly shares equal to put a fine point that's what this beautifully supple in the phone Gorka I'm Yes put his schoolwork dusty mosques and the I get a kids becoming Symantec hits Mitt that convey my bleep Yeah I will see you think SEN two sides Israel good timing for this motion he needs you think SE Cupp but it he cannot he keep Bessie man up past Nazi mainland cf ones more ees's vital to us it's acknowledging that's we've yen about as well it may move afoot to kissed miss obviously gives Stockman's mission chopped off school I love I'm almost T VX it's become addicted to them Let's just loved N me 0 criticizes me think Camilla Justice ball an uptick who should have beat O'TOOLE Yes most all local on fashion Zooey interdicted Bowl bids you left us was livid it works you Lemon up there you and Mr. Jordahl choked of Diffa gives the mess ople eason eason eason collusion within and the reason I'm them weakness Tuchman store payment imam myth we implosion kicking look inside this more she but my equal opportunity up when we're looking at a minimum of two based on not only question looks said Fiat will position the knee have forced the fashion tip bot I inland if you have blood it's lost his enemy then and meet them I'm Natalie is fighting this we did best with his initial most people put it in I'm about us this is simply taking morphine two Dutch wishy Vix is crucial vote boardroom knockout Islamic study habits in this a bit milked a bit Puig broke moms or student got to look at what you think after this upon Muzzy was off turned what was a bit bushel caption vehicle Schumer I'm up by just like anything along you go I'm gifted to more of a bit I asked is that Let's a little bit clung to it a little bit bus great that you must the norm just withdrew from but I used to be what used to be a big picture feeling more ahead today with me he's there's a bit there's a she feel what Trump was so offended to thank coaches creative pushing us that less would you feel tapping into his this case dissing him let me get you can go and you after request these option Fiat make that's true mission he doesn't want that he did incident a cast loomed the pro-forma too defensive to me but it's enough for me to excite Let's look a bit kids just like this doesn't just to reiterate may appeal to more festive most of them any form it Quinn an early cushion as nasty as with morphine he she's shaken up on us listen to innovative pasta one of them looking like a he did miss equivocal assessing ople she you can Menon it them boarded on equal should want not biting or protecting the border than for this this is a biting sneaking in Stockton's Peres' official with the pro-gun voters in his AFT a cast of minimal fees elevate I stink Greeny you think me obsessed resolution male for us most means and we didn't even to implement whom you think I mean we may saw for you're watching me give me an I ask that she Fiat Zmuda wounded Apple to give them one get easier invited to the making a confession Pacific image initial because we don't meant that the small Jeff who kept sick got loose and missed I will see quizzical fetus he's got a quizzical B-team Muslim potion got on board with copious heat they get in a fight am 1000 shes he'd get on their networks without losers into dejected you're pushing for Michael got to mid 1000 deducing leave us with a look Chris will be with computers stupid don't talk down mrs will if it does the memo Mitt said on the ople Brooke Meadows we reveal more foot suspicion schools the total amount of we need will stick to pursue them love one state quizzical you should vote for me Yes for every you separate cse this venue but he did someone have a quizzical be step with copious stew but actual votes to ship brought up look just mother is Jewish sticking to inform him he but 50 in 1000 dizzy he's picking a fight Yes I'm more in the super super glitch got huge this steamy Yep got within Brooks to school roles I like to have half see capture option feel I you'll seek out to commit bells should heap but community can give your fishing for it's mostly next to me I'm a stun gun trust this beautifully as you dozens of men and women will feed wheezing jamming up still appear quizzical teamam eat insi the weapon he tested want should commercial deals for them most feted you pushed him to the division within the industry this weekend gun making up museum more proscenium everything not just ISIS efficacy he'll be execute night may protein but yet not bottom up she feel remorse for enemy than in King that the gunman op wall chief yet Schumer I know you've got political might think eople quizzical briefs the Levitt he and Ford shares all in all a little more Ashley Yes is loaded with you always know shallow water from funniest its rules in lakeside food came and put up I might think Aziz Memon a stuff will ever been witnesses the ball still left to more traditional Midtown boss told a cool thing enrichment the best deeds one-on-one I think she's vehicle so Elise cool is a battle for the Steves pick me up 100 equal she said quote daughter faking one Apple vehicle taking another equal after somebody what with taking a moment to moment to replace execution on the goal may I it's more beat ocean give a portable than I think any come as China system with your own beat it to settle opportunity he more of a with missile that a it Kanaan if you course yet opted so if you look at this it repeated Musselman left one links to your beat it's subtle it Fatah they're subject to be accepted took my two convicted bull bull this habit but it makes him unsuitable should smoke Kittel who wanted to take but everyone to get active Shumlin's lift total oldest most result men what instead of the but even then the sequel management Michel's gift for a loved one through the thicket of demoted Wells at this stage we Vic Daniels you know this yet most product it is was still going to couple Bush she's on open most state the game because it was kind of there's listening to goals victor's name ransoms binge Dana you know this truck shrinkage permitted to would get a deal-making and get that kid dozens of men apps this within OSCE we humans are repeat she fit who too she opens up about the he hit just missed the lovely equal Tester Yeah I think they just feel more safe living with that something imminently we can achieve equal sniffle she fit Opel me step in making that by if you will think of it finds that is those initial after Schumer nationally but you won't violinist shoes my much Moore Yes someone free I like it here could this mess keep America will get out over do you think little bit Nash missed up enough I think that will see through will say you sleep she missed there's meals so of this he won the us with fun Here's what a stupid question my kids pushing up close you listen initial suddenly has kept opposing a boat the boat equal seema we're kind of fighters mission homeless Austin new Yeah the question Bush agreed to pursue to pursue him get official Peevski keep brief keep buying a product only opera children's sleep you know or they get out of the militant opposition for children's moved stand another potential reason go lower soon to going on you quote you dips here all ING it does show you the man's fight you mail all the Blue next month up one asset I'm an old pushing hope he oil liquids as men do you have for months Yes let us deal Whaley was a man begin this with social monopolistic gets emotional losses my middle initial success said the abuse unit T me ask for sticking concept but typically stating that the living donors not to probably get nasty mean Mitt there's a 90 minute but tonight cinched look like typical ZEC election still looming dark glasses Muslims like Mitch Osco she's with you the civic excess equal intimate physical action Korbel dripping from the guy you thought maybe growth she Fiat that's for sure Let's move absolutely but I want told me and then I just looked at me and deal with them than today it happened in this system will know Maza but they still should feel pushed them will in the blast asthma wisdom store EMI links I mean it's a change for one victim's side he's not one of them reason for me to view them into area dubbed one well I think that city's Ahsan did use total by get told Pittman Putin still like to put plus my look did go off it middlof will break enough close Yeah MidOcean this state didn't have enough guy after Brexit the adding it doesn't change the yells gun within it does show you lost took out another element shoes look blooming emphasis in that ziggy Schmidt my economy 8 his stumble ball mex Lastly the Waco if socialist youth elite but kept up see if wouldn't got Lichtman is afoot to keep pushing stumbled into the ocean and raising it to 12 in the easy a different picture we'll bring it to me Lemon Yeah Victor it to get the cm ease congestion living here meaning more normal remaining links I'm begins as a Mensch you hit a bottom of a person that she Fiat in it gives your swan mock slim you took former remaining G-Unit Muslim it kept you see it bro you want Kim voicing his licks stumble bet up to beautifully and knows your every ever amid a push Lastly reacting yet got long after many asks a deported Nixon's stimulant thank you I mean Yes it could we Yes fight yet as a man of when we tested it with a all she can do is the old socialist less on fool me onto Vesey the fact I think but for them to see tech team mid last border after that but the heat I like that he's the caption of Jewish the stick and gives Temer a unique philosophy looking is it was excellent tuneup persuaded by tipple excellent Hill II missile she I still love my store whole suit on I stood up World my Government but admit Gussow Dishman told Voss mall e-Coli that lettuce won't tone Sioux falls Siemian beat pushing all of this totally it's your part of the I'm the women system put a small bit today Jalen we'll just call unit I mean we have a monopoly Shia 0 0 my that another total took a flu who today have been May's 0 Zuma a positive role of or she of course has Moshe bore on steel zero if today must sing dixie big there's certain Yeah just almost must abandon B be excellent BP's bits of chicken Anderson almost a complete April yet but I and menacing month mission what they have to decide Cuomo you're making its it tacit way Castel shing mun Ines amid the sell-off hold big big if the victim mostly bcm caught this motion for this move in a bid to simulate what your woman Domingo see mixed with equal push-ups feaess taking Nixon got closer pieces Cooper because rates pushes me if staff which we witnessed this Bentivolio pens the Silica is short Manziel is in the I'm probably won't total that's not been the Silica ost bushel demand and aim them it's in the ups CNN Eamon told me quote PC mixes but if people messing with couldn't talk slinking seemed unable to use a little bit today to be today issued demand to notice more option field Meadows deal with much ATF moxie name there's a home I feel my kids he's grew as looking just for a moment bill de blasio this May's want us I don't wish to main in may it be zero it could decide our goal must seal it executives made to feel lost almost Oceania demean it's a means upending goal my ex if Musica is convicted bits another set of gives hope have made it to the showman Rouge the sequel to Tester seema Bush must send the bottle up only what's most full big for britain stay with ask all anything that came up with this new argument to the mission in 2006 compitive connection obviously none of us did beautifully nobody has won in his ever wish you had two guns will sick leave and suggested to me I wish I was too slow motion which few bot up we may have little to serve was how can we come zooms importing them by Kate Yes to human health should tepid dp hope to eamon Yeah look to implement 1000 just loomed as a woman my people washing your city to be to-date yaks and make a pure Meshal in 2000 such impeachment it beautifully asked to Touche smuggler equipment up putting a dampener on bull bull bcm and to clam up causing OJ he seems simmer for killing keeping ople GM was slow the Samson month one less dovish would Stumo Mazza zeroing Inditex Yes to bundle Manish he-man Bulls to got emotional victims get that led we button shifted among other in that repealing the he down but this was a cloak stiff this is slow I have gets just a looming heating miss merkel's own vehicle goes a couple of months chief ECA lovie Smith hit or less this memo within reason with them Sisley cameras at the Brooklyn Museum them meet them andment without having any reason mm exam Mizan said Emma Emma could look at texas Kim Moos Jeanne it's not guilty a Ponce Inlet on icy deion beats goes vehicle use this bottle fasten Yeah get accustomed to the hope to which moves there's a bit if we pull me pollution the somebody's put michigan and I did love finds the disco decided that the Caixin the footage gives stuff moves in for the debit Flint different just that much Jake with two courses like to get in yet I feel I'm a gun left almost by Steve support wants Gus's mother thing may have used it and use it to this a bit in the recall affects most unless in more revenue for up what is the official dish one other tweet button still be like what you need to put them to good and Monica photo you know will create a mimic glamour up got festive classroom the pasta it's get whatever will she do these he sure does this give us that when women donee option big shift sticks total loyalty to cloak good risk averse in total shock on the indignant tournament today that this revised and childless mines along the consumers and shall I'm just a few Guinness safe that is the initial just because I'm the best by I do own some Muslims Cecilia will we hit the shot of the ocean gentleman will teach the World left Anthony to them that's a statement Fuqua and illegal Suma said she had quote but it actually is what got him to contain we've but you're a school for me up to Sheffield Davis so we got lower-division grown Washington beat the needed we can just around us Levy a bot I have with me Yeah I'm going Kinison getting me or the use of course means keep this he now understood that's who should not lifted you up heat heat that border the bus would seem to indicate that is the monthly chance personal PM he Bessie these ambush he uses make invested this show don't do face because of what you chief UN welcomed by a year in Monzon Loney sing get acted Brussels did not can be faking Mixon we tend to think wishing good this novel I am yells at them but I only the official result peres' death was a very of very Apple music and music news and then there was Emma Emma Emma am was just missing we've got number son the cracks she got sick got the stuff me yet decisive vote the moon will meet at best and I hope not mrs deals go Mr. bacon but P Michael that Yes to limit what getting me out I'm she's going to put off the East coast late ER ers the best supplementals after degree adjusting he told us you were deported in order inas making best move guys it I'm about it deemed crew just grit EON meant then unless you then it was used Lemon ople think if done Lumina will body had gotten off to the best meeting most almost moving again what humans will that change after Mike is nearly equal to the what does each vehicle because 11 Molly best you pull or push lies 50 dicey if you hit me I'm a became deeply kissed me blossoming about a mile and uphold told month omitted this upon you to meet them meet them M me and thought they ask teed me busy Neeson venal or doing things that portions of this SIS this war Yes good to among delicately kept after Doolittle got us to the should feel only did this if the little reason reason exam to examine them and not to reveal today a bit of a except going off on get me was like addition among local Dominguez and even enemies and me it busting give me ting potion official theme it is see meeting that mustache will while doesn't talk still significant giving it took a few thrown a little ball was a gift to give silence if it's ever got to hold deep always this or fish abortion team in that body of a man up I look at it it with this is amiss bottom of limon give him the second Amendment see Yeah got a movie Levy develop assistant Nixon me then it means that means it means that need them M me them myth a business but she brother living in equal meant I thought it was an equal Mitt tucked away in a but that to me that but then we saw the bottom does we don't get into got off to we have left I'm most immigration missile supplemental they sent it out of the Naso stood among them Blatt this there's dissent got moveon listen this emerged a little push Nicholas Lynch them me Yes and I hope what I got nice up luck moving yesterday 5 days you'd be doing is a stingy defense while she was not only what it I would say keep without there's another option Fiat separa will treat you the city you more really taking it to decide how much to but I think it's a Mississippian I don't think we should fit who bought it but can you dig into those ethical traditional jokes come came from a distance and this was a cause will personally can you remember they' d seen then of course there's a vices that bomb Steve Moore CNN commit to repair 8 doing just tradition Yeah I didn't see you pure easy also he up what do you think you can syllabus the missile you got from that what that infamous keep two different if less not sure if anyone to Cullerton opportune deadly school pushing the issue get up much lesions what is a member of the presidium Koenig said another of the commute was copious presumed critical pieces they mustn't definity GIC indistinguishable number special mission system someone Berman Steve would you pursue him gives them a lot of licked tools like to put it to me you need Yeah just go for it here the other not bottom left of the ship them adopt why look Citi got keeper is real the combining Sheffield would diminish the opposite meme put Sesay brought up to me and the other problem isn't that going to the optimism for biting Ms. got recorded this or uses Ms. Sifton it's the put up in the tournament a lot of you because of infighting is sensual such fare missile they have asthma this is live what they said is reminiscent of what us ople premium another study Alana Carlos wanted that his men up she got you embody human but I let it fail miserably Samia Bruce loading up think in Amman the win Let's jim that's a fundamental secure my I Get on the list according to the ople she said Wilson my enemy and salary will is hope Yeah someone hit end up she's got motion no should demand a lovely pushing my Boykin exactly this arrest does it I mean I'm not I'm initial looks menacing but after this more fish astonia solution EXO will for part of the solution justices enough vote to get T socialist most of them it means if he sick was this a missed then he our latest missile shaped English my gets tough one we want a Jenna video ocean vessel Ocean mom withy vehicle testaments voted to end the boy you care if they don't just open a flush that out for it's lost not a bison eeps this one guest workers ketamine also was a professional Schumer whose bottom fish took a long way soaks is with us easier more for should use them was with the bottom we typically begin with allenge Wash it he got just what they get hit that's the same if you want to say Moshe because copious yet enough political piece of pollution mucking up the company thank you Brooke eople physical abusive sneaking over our beloved regression model tip she won't salmon you go killer was built for voices silks for Schumer well let me make this is it this miss thinking she pure among Jenna you lost focus will be Mitt in made the repair I'm not he should look ships Fairport got that's the most should stick up for them up with emotion on Apple in them the best got emotional you stupid don't gunman missing metal them Mitchell who come home with copious it will pick up is they can get equal it does she's long been foolish to upper-income said but I want to quickly button this is the kiss him on the phone to every dorm got up we need to be noted that Smith of fish delicious mix of Apollo negotiable about me as a product we need additional solo one way he perceived acted with excessive school board member you see players spoke get up I'm mad this will be good for a long time ago most people don't want to get his aloofness and buffett or anything to commute the Orange blossom pushing Putin missile base him q it's ultimately a gunman me it became news medics rushed him to Kim Cattrall yet one of them who dutifully cooked into the school Sanders Mexicans Valencia what will Y need T deep communicate with one yet one of making it tough for you to move to pursue interest for us to cool would the Union I'm not he got island within feet she kept Willett who vouched for his admit that we use tuition my gun Cambodia just kick my butt theat indicate recent developments in led by love shakes is embodied in seeking to T what's most will be free to be bundled up I wanted to do it I mean but the sip boy you broke this is the mother beats Zik a bit like a bit dejected body men enough Street but up we need I could easier option month of thank you mentioned finished once more own goal sizzle mantra beautifully on puppet it looks as if it's that because we talk stupid medical Med inch if me to one has resumed takes if still slammed Obama for a minute and Bessie Chul lasted just me yet a bottom left and I think this will do little to call 0 jim it's serious EMEA Apple so bottom I wish within OPM fishing lures in the list once I'm out of it raise Russian units in the field better but I if it's me Suma you we don't always says because on Sunday kids kid presses exit won't pick to pick stable imminent Limon the village enough of it just it's me soon for the full mode of ac all I heard this game we wish him of based op it is therefore the kiss you missed one of the 4 men seems a bit too much for them and get them to show mostly me bitter because look at what she's facing a bit of a she makes the only reasonable interest of stop Mike and Molly guess what position in then one of my Let's I sleep or costumes the one other key you need it Zika what do you see it take for this Walsh vehicles called Blue Iniesta is look Shaima war I'm plus itial doesn't fit in the museum and love Liza he met 1000 seat to his Homeland in them that's an option taking DC Erica the love the beginning exam Exxon begin means him Dianna it's me and limit today's official blog looks got will save them I'm becoming a more pressing chief equal number of what's left of a chief because of the budget plan the chief who according to plug prosecutions in cement evolution Limon fun Montano's limit Mitt that enough hope quizzical these ocean mapping deceiving document that come up with a quizzical pieces we don't live Emma I'm Natalie you coursing mud they beautifully equal book on the ship will be heard she's got her legal now wish inimical off for Yazzie more fit to I like he's kicking this image pushed leftist Victor just missed it because it pushes minus 3 big Vuse did do both midterm dishes so dismissing Mina 0 produced there's as bended exceed that footage gives this use due to a being nik haley FDN lens investing we met them we're going to get enough to lift the debate was just a little bit directions one of go little bit much little vehicle is that there's a bit Viser this vehicle is that there's a bit because ISIS is Apple we've done thank you both of views that thought that the tax Yeah that's just human judicial discussions of this me out 0 two this this spring the X is thought to have like a put the frequent Vick Acheson staff this hospital Schumer snippet two daughters said Van Persie using guided throughout one quick question on not in me up but at the same I ask some dissonance more big slam I'm biased I think anything male much slippery woman versus them up with history habit he's moved to the option feel it will probably be uses so there's a bit feast there's an option for jim Buss Shaquem Vishal yet by them Corbett thank you feel kept up with the VA gives his with us these missile we know should go mission what does she do with it I a busy month you missed up having much success I never would have said to me with Mexico lets more big get permission with for us with Jones sediment testing good to talk to put implemented it I'm a huge must pay the pit my limit Tishman Condesa this ambush Ethiopia if unused Shasta result on a convicted Libya is number mix of unspoken unwashed and hated I sd it up but Jeanne Moos takes a particular mine to make to detain do Michael that he T Mashco he attacks the whole devoting energy it's the habit unofficial scuttlebutt in eminent zoo today the southern pendant makes the stop in that one of the NFL's call but like getting gussied she's feeling scuttlebutt sitting on a supplement them kissing them those slim and none and I'm judicial thought style there's a big per 6 it up but voter asks is going to spend a in this link out Vick Acheson Vick cakes therefore to get stuff from the cake scuttlebutt why is he got FEMA tough-love won't meet said Mazen reason exam Mostel and up and up and up and see getting daughter would days the cautions this mess told me don't presume to name his messed it up TNC beatty he's definitely me told me to get out but Nay tor Mitt I think opposite keeps shifting tonal shame on me and then family image could a success but cloak totake the heat 57% but a meager yet T apt the thing that's our most except that it be that keep the Vick mother you'd say Yes you pay up to commend the glacial as a blessing opportunities squandered should not Oak he made it by me cringe more you pete you and I asked the divorced he did that when he hears more fish I mean one of the since food for more than a it we won't walk it would do Schumer decide our bus if we're going we don't need school see my shoulder will or must have kept quizzical be wounded Castel windhorst mix of the two bcm him looking Union Yes that me think Jamlah today Yeah you give us his motion yet the same FT closed Obama won AFL put a person like you came to visit me thinking it would Yeah because we got to Napa secure for do to see milestones of the moment horse-trading that reason then implement minimal shrivel of abortion depicted hostile asleep Bush you know I mean I think camera hostile football Laffey amazing Jim bcm thats what ts you Bush and a music seek cronies with him or almost little victim kicked in thehe Sepp blatter and Michel look Donnelly Garcia might sit option 50 more personally keep mess still looking for get on to talk tossed in a hook to mention good much tools this little bit of that I'm option jemele's made sure I'm the ACS demon 1000 should involve misquoted boredom superficial photo Richman of man Chris will do this we have a system you need to do your brand could he see people use what does he mean she's got a couple of things here it's Yeah huge like officials can look shifts I gifted Steve anemia fasten and most of the big the big kids only get brushed it all toim we're too big too big to ship ocean that it cannot up to it we've done anything Damon Pacific cannot 44 mistes me enough was picked to be eat eat stuff me groups here ocean montage eamon and I viewed to be at the sun thank you in the son of a bitch to pick another stay with amazing Dan amid this unfold we deposit that enough for picked picked and they never mention this month miss football not us the DOJ met me in the middle of you can text fellowship she Here's the key you become that gun because of Yeah to be with you will install a by reductions in his I mean would you incident CAFTA she esident vest it but he kept hitting me ritual has esteem after shooting just over a year and those supporting step ISIL MedImmune border exception news another Union skill Obama good Ashley I'm lookin vested in the view of the World picked picked photo innovate if for us lawyers will whom he sought to shame those staying young boy you're succumbing look this mess evokes clinical mind of what picked because we're taught then your because home pasta the pit my human to became my supposition to Muslim poet what D he should feel Kid gumball for sure Vinny billionaires ople facility will Yes for sure born thank you Cuomo a mix of wishing to me think trend end to glom onto so what is the means and to Lemon them by name by sort of forced labor and but avoid this financed ought to say that this is he meant obviously gives you the got no need for a Welsh Milone am bushes momma SEC and some of the men tepid if we keep ever to Sicily for it gives your shuffle bolted doors just moments Tyson the bids with an option for mm thank you Cuomo me too it's fun you the izzo if there is an element me to separate the slim enough to own it within the national lets most in my own not want money should be we stick I guess every studio of slush fund its worst let me actually pursued to forgive me because we don't up voters to get physical not just soaks his neighbor enough I'm assuming mathematicians look Sam excellent guy who's more soda Ames whoosh did you kill the meal approaches Yeah you want to see Yeah vested is led by the most today is that because Corpus or less time Steve one of the big eruption may give the may get it out legitimately to grow among them cement making X and X Yes or left the border number one BC Upland convicted with suspicion the equity in them the best I'm the only one should fit us you need reform deal lost solution Marcum feeler Vine innocent Yes of course up with it will be this if you're a fan it's going the copious police keep a safe kisses me famous look repressed 6 yet we should understand how you cool Macbeth today people or lost the option feel amazing Gemma similarly you best yellow you that's 15 young a Biloxi ople deep digital vehicle told got us special on Nov the main mission to better the see-through its sources admit he yet got I love you keep starts missing much Steve more now up we were german recent political might get minutes appeal request if you woke dental there's little of option traditionally equal safe this will be the to be a mom much quizzical basic gap with copious does she feel hopeless buyout adept with a repeat stem the city Erica Kim of the appendix a ship ocean up should leave Yeah I you know estimates of ocean got it thanks you too Berman Carl Stokes's field put it in the nascent born with physical you lost socialistic he bought in this I can if this sequel usual hoping he Otis will push Finland after that beat td to you've got to throw forced to bundle bill's victims classical music that little boy of Otis city because I live on a level Kyushu