The Ebook Central patron interface /

: Λοιπόν, καλησπέρα και καλώς ήρθατε σε ένα ακόμα εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο υπό την αγίδα της Βιβλιοθήκης του Ελληνικού Καραντικού Πανεπιστημίου, το οποίο προσφέρεται από την εταιρεία ProQuest για τα προϊόντα τους. Βου ονομάζομαι Μαρία Παρατάης και δουλεύω για την Interoptix ΑΕ. Είμαστε οι αντιπρόσωποι...

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Λεπτομέρειες βιβλιογραφικής εγγραφής
Φορέας:Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο
Είδος:Προωθητικές δράσεις
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Ημερομηνία έκδοσης: Εξ Αποστάσεως Βιβλιοθήκη & Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης ΕΑΠ 2021
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: Λοιπόν, καλησπέρα και καλώς ήρθατε σε ένα ακόμα εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο υπό την αγίδα της Βιβλιοθήκης του Ελληνικού Καραντικού Πανεπιστημίου, το οποίο προσφέρεται από την εταιρεία ProQuest για τα προϊόντα τους. Βου ονομάζομαι Μαρία Παρατάης και δουλεύω για την Interoptix ΑΕ. Είμαστε οι αντιπρόσωποι της ProQuest στην Ελλάδα και προμηθευτές των προϊόντων αυτών. στο Ελληνικό Νηκτό Πανεπιστημίο. Θέλω να συστήσω τους δύο πολύ καλούς συνεργάτες, που θα παρουσιάσουν σήμερα το περιεχόμενο. Ο κ. Γκανάτσιος είναι υπεύθυνος πολίσεων για Ελλάδα, Ιταλία, Μάλτα και Κύπρο και ο οποίος θα παρεμβάλλεται ενδιαμέσως στους αγγλικείς παρουσίασεις για διευκονίσεις στα ελληνικά και την κ. Δανιέλα Κάσων, η οποία είναι υπεύθυνη εκπαίδευσης στην ProQuest και η οποία είναι και κ. Παρουσιάστρια του υλικού APOPSET. Οπότε χωρίς άλλη καθυστέρηση θα δώσω τον λόγο στη Δανιέλα για να κάνει την έναρξη. Θα σταματάει περιστασιακά για να κάνει ρωτήσεις, σε οποίες μπορείτε να απευθύνετε μέσω του chat στα ελληνικά και είτε εγώ είτε ο Γιάννης θα τις μεταφέρουμε αν χρειάζεται στα αγγλικά για να απαντηθούν και το αντίστροφο. Δανιέλα, ευχαριστώ πολύ. Ευχαριστώ. Πιστεύω ότι η Μαρία ήδη με παρουσιάσε. Αυτή είναι η οδηγία του βέβαιου σήμερα. Η καλύπτωση έχει ήδη παρουσιάσει από την Μαρία. Θα παρουσιάσουμε γρήγορα το σχέδιο της eBook Central, μετά θα πάμε online και θα κάνουμε τη live demo. Θα παρουσιάσουμε αυτή τη σχετική παρουσιάση που δείχνει κάποιες σκρινσόδια, όπως και ένα μημό, από τα κομμάτια της παρουσίας. Αλλά θα πάμε live, γιατί θα δείτε ότι είναι πολύ εύκολο να χρησιμοποιείς. Και τέλος, στο PowerPoint θα βρείτε κάποια, στο τέλος θα βρείτε κάποια χρησιμοποιημένα URL, υπόλοιπες παρουσιάσεις που μπορείτε να αναφέρετε, αν χρειάζεται περισσότερη εμπειρία στη πλατφόρμα. Γιάννης. Καλησπέρα σας. Το πρόγραμμα που θα έχουμε σήμερα ξεκινάει από το καλωσόρισμα που το κάναμε. Έχει δει. Θα συνεχίσουμε με το PowerPoint με μια εισαγωγή στη πλατφόρμα, τη λειτουργία, τη λειτουργικότητά της. Και κατόπιν θα περάσουμε σε ένα ζωντανό περιβάλλον επίδειξης. Θα μπούμε στο ίντερνετ, δηλαδή, κατευθείαν. Και στο τέλος θα υπάρχουν, στα τελευταία σλάινδ, υπάρχουν και πληροφορίες για πηγές πληροφόρησης, που μετά το τέλος θα μοιραστούμε έτσι και αλλιώς και την οικογράφηση. Και το PowerPoint σε μορφή PDF θα έχει τολίσεις πληροφορίες. Γιάννη. Στην τελευταία, θα σας ρωτήσουμε, αν μπορείτε να προσφέρετε πληροφορίες για αυτή τη σέση, χρησιμοποιώντας το κλίμα που μπορείτε να βλέπετε εδώ. Θα είναι μόνο μια εφημερία, μόνο μια εφημερία, όπου μπορείτε να προσφέρετε το ρήτημα, και μετά, αν θέλετε, κάποιες σχόλες σχόλων. Και για εμάς, είναι πάντα σημαντικό να συγκρίνετε πληροφορίες, ώστε να γνωρίζουμε, αν κάνετε καλά ή αν υπάρχει κάτι που θα πρέπει να κάνουμε καλύτερα την επόμενη φορά. Εντάξει. Πιστεύω ότι βλέπετε ότι υπάρχει το Blingual, οπότε μπορούμε να προχωρήσουμε. Ναι, ναι. Θα σας προσφέρετε κάποια γρήγορα εφημερία για το πώς να εξετάσσετε το eBook Central. Το eBook Central είναι ένα εύκολο εφαρμογήτημα για σχολείς, για διευθυντές, για όλους, για να βλέπεις. Και σας υπάρχει ένα URL, το οποίο δείχνει εδώ, που είναι εξασφαλισμένο. Είναι μόνο για την ιστορία σας. Σε αυτή τη στιγμή, είναι επίσης εξετάστηση μέσα από ένα Proxy Server. Και μόλις έρθετε σε αυτό, θα μπορείτε να κάνετε πολλά πράγματα χωρίς εξασφαλισμό, αλλά μπορεί να υπάρχουν κάποια στιγμή, κάποια πράγματα, που θα χρειαζούν εξασφαλισμό από username και password. Και συχνά θα βλέπεις ότι η εμφάνιση, σε κάποια στιγμή, θα σας δείξει την εφαρμογήτηση. Και αν δεν έχετε ακόμα username και password, μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε εσείς, παρακολουθώντας στο κανάλι Create Account. Και μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε με το username, συχνά θα είναι το ιστορικό email, και το password. Και από τότε, μπορείτε να εξασφαλίσετε με αυτό το URL. Όταν θέλετε να εγγραφείτε, μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε. Και θα μιλήσουμε, πού είναι οι σημείς που θα χρειαζόμαστε να εγγραφείτε. Γιαννις. Μπορείτε να ξεκίνησετε την προηγούμενη στιγμή? Σίγουρα. Λοιπόν, όπως βλέπετε εδώ πέρα είναι ο σύνδεσμος για την πρόσβαση στην πλατφόρμα, την ebook central, η οποία είναι η πλατφόρμα που αφορά τους χρήστες, τους τελικούς χρήστες, αυτοί που παίρνουν μέσα για να κάνουν τις αναζητήσεις τους. Σε κάποια σημεία μπορεί να ζητηθεί, τα οποία θα τα αναλύσσουμε στη συνέχεια της παρουσίασης, το πότε δηλαδή, θα χρειαστεί να γίνει αυθεντικοποίηση με username και password, όνομα, χρήση και κωδικό. The next page, Daniela. Το link αυτό θα το μοιραστούμε, έτσι και αλλιώς αυτή η παρουσίαση αυτή θα τη μοιραστούμε για να μπορέσετε να τη στείλουμε σε όλους, για να μπορέσετε να την έχετε. Και μέσω της βιβλιοθήκης. Όσοι από εσάς δεν έχετε δημιουργήσει λογαριασμό, όπως βλέπουμε στη σελίδα, κάτω στη σελίδα υπάρχει το create account, όπου μπορείτε να ανοίξετε ένα λογαριασμό προσωπικό και θα σας πούμε παρακάτω πού χρησιμεύει και σε ποιες καλύτερες περιπτώσεις χρησιμεύει ο λογαριασμός αυτός, συνήθως βάζοντας σαν όνομα χρήστη το email, το πανεπιστημιακό που έχετε και ένα password της επιλογής σας. Daniela. When you first reach the interface, the platform, you will see this page which bears the name of your institution. And this is the homepage where you can also start searching the e-books. And at the moment you will have a portfolio of books that is around 222,000 books, all in all, among which you can search. I wanted to show you this page because this is what you will see. Now, my demo will go through my account, which has a different, slightly different availability. But that's what you will have available for you. It might grow a little bit if the institution will proceed purchasing other books. In this page, we see that it is exactly the page that you will see when you make the introduction. You type in your name, username and password. And there you will see, what you see, the previous page was the one that basically belongs to the university, to the open university. And as you can see, there are 222,000, slightly more than 222,000 e-books available, which can grow in number and because we are constantly adding new books. But maybe the university will also start making permanent purchases, because here we are talking about a collaborative product. The next page that you showed us is the page of Daniela's demo, so the numbers are not the same. Just to show you the functionality. Daniela? OK, so I go live now. And as I said, I'm using my own account. So you notice that in the URL here, it says demo de casson. OK, this means that the numbers that you will see in my demo might be different from the numbers that you see when you use your account. OK, now in the home page, I can I find here this blue ribbon, which shows me the main sections of the interface. So whenever I click on the symbol, I will come back here in the home page. Then I have the section called search, where I have available some additional features for searching. The bookshelf is one of those places where you can store your preferred books and other stuff like that, which is personal and which definitely will require you to sign in. Whenever you want to access to the bookshelf, you will be required to sign in. OK, and you can sign in from here. Then you have the online help and some settings that, I mean, are not particularly interesting for you at this stage. Go ahead. Yes. On this page, as we can see, there is the basic search field. What Danielle said is that the numbers that you will see here might be different because there are different geographies and restrictions from the publishers and so the version that is for Europe, for example, is different from the version that is for the United States and the United Kingdom. And they have more and more books, so the numbers are not that important. As you can see in the upper right corner, there will be the ProQuest Book Center on the left, which is the home page. Whenever you click there, you will return to this page. While on the right side, there is the search search, there are the settings, the settings and the help with information, as well as the sign in, and there is the bookshelf, which is the personal space of each user. To create the bookshelf, it is the point where you need to put the email, a username and a password, and it is the place where you will store your books, the chapters of the books, which will be the space you will work in. Daniela? OK, still in this page below here, after these boxes that will just explain where we are, etc., give your name here, you will find down here a carousel of the ten last titles that you have touched, that you have read. OK, so they will give you easy and fast access to the work that the books that you are perhaps still reading. OK, it will show down here. Then you can start your search from here. Just putting it down the word. I mean, I spied some of the waste waters. OK, some of the titles that were showing in the carousel, so I'm just trying these words. Now, as I said, this number doesn't reflect the number of results that you might see because my availability is a bit larger than yours. OK. Giannis, want to repeat? Yes, at this point we did a search with the keyword waste water, and the results that come out, as you can see, there may be a difference if you do it with what Daniela does, but the word that was chosen is always in yellow. On the previous page where you saw the books below, the carousel with the books, when you enter with your data, below that page you will always see the books that you have chosen, the ones that you are working on, that you have downloaded a chapter, so that you can come back to the work you were doing. It should be very easy, just click and see the books that you were already working on the previous day or the last time you logged in. OK, so in the results page you will see the results here with your search term highlighted in bright yellow. Actually you will see two tabs. This number refers to the number of books. This other tab will show you the, I think 20 or something like, a bit more perhaps later, no still 20, most relevant chapters, which can come from the same book or different books, that are those that contain the most of your, the most times your search terms. OK, this is the title of the chapter, but then you will also see the title of the book where the chapter comes from. And so perhaps there are cases where you might see, that's not the case here, at least I don't see it, but you might sometimes see that, yes, for example, this one wastewater treatment with algae, you see, and it's appearing also a little bit above. So you might see that several chapters come from the same book, which tells you that that book is definitely relevant. Well, the title would be a giveaway anyway, right? So this is just an idea of a tool that allows you to retrieve the very, very relevant results. OK, now going back to the book results. As I mentioned, you have, you see the terms, you see the title, the authors, the publisher, the codes, a little glimpse of the content where the terms appear. And in your case, all your books will actually be, which is not the case here, let me use this filter here. All your books will have this green button saying available. OK. So let's not worry about what you have seen before. And for all the books, you will have a row of buttons here that you will also see in the further steps when we open the book. So this is for downloading, reading online, accessing the table of contents and placing the book in the bookshelf. So this symbol here is the symbol of the bookshelf. Yannis? Yes, as we saw in the beginning with the keyword that we used, wastewater, we had results both at the book title level and at the book header level, which measures how many times the word is mentioned in the header. This way you can have much more targeted results. The filter that I put on the left is, as you can see in the book status on the left side, to limit research only to what the library contains and books that belong to the library. Because the platform generally has more than a million books that are also available as a purchase. So what we did on the left with the filter that we put was to limit the results only to what we really have access to. On the right of each book you see, first of all you see the symbol that is available, the green one, which means available, because we made this filter. And on the right the four dots that are to download the book and read it online, to see the contents and to add it to the bookshelf, the personal space for reading later for analysis. Yannis? Here above you can see that you can decide to see up to 100 results per page. So you see you choose between 10, 20, 50 and 100. And you can sort the results by several criteria here. They arrive by default, sorted by relevance, which means that those that have the most presence of such terms are at the top. But you can sort them by publication date, by title, by authors. The contributors are the authors and publishers, which is the editor. So you can change a little bit the view. On the left you have some filters that allow you to filter a little bit the results, to refine the search by publication here, by subject. The categories here are those from the Library of Congress that index the books, or by language, or by author. And by language, keep in mind that the far majority of the books are in English. There may be some other languages, but you see the representation is definitely random versus the English coverage. Yannis? What we saw at the beginning on the top right are the filters that you can see how many results you want, up to 100 results per page. As well as how they will be presented. The default we have is based on relevance, with the key that we put. But you can change it and put it with the alphabetical series, with the chronological series, various filters. And on the left there are various other filters for the time edition, the topic, the language that you even put the author. I saw appearing a question and I wanted to see if I could answer this question. I don't know if it's the first one. The question is if there is a limitation of the number of books, of chapters that they can download. It very much depends. So not much in terms of number of books, but within the book. The next step now will be to enter into a single book. If I click on the title, I enter in the page that will give me the details of the book. And among the details is this part in here, which tells me the availability. Now the majority of the books that are available to you in the catalogue have this unlimited access, which means that it's not important the number of people that want to open this book at the same time. All of them can open it. It's a limited number of concurrent users basically. On the other hand, there are certain limitations that the editors put to the majority of the books, which are called digital rights management, DRM. And they consist in the possibility of, I mean, you can read the book online how long you want. But if you want to download the book, in this case, you will need a software that is a third party, which is Acrobat basically, which is for free. Because you can keep this book and it tells you here for how long you can keep this book, for how many days. In this case, it's 90 days. There may be some books which have been purchased, but they don't have unlimited access, for which perhaps you have a shorter time span for keeping them offline on your reader. At the same time, here you have limitations in the number of pages that you can copy and number of pages that you can transform into PDF. And this is typically 20-40% of the total size of the book. So based on the number of pages, these are the number of pages that you can copy or print or PDF per day. That is meant per day per single user. So you enter in this book, you want to download the PDF part of the book, you have up to 161 pages today. If you enter into the book tomorrow, you have another 161 pages, etc. This number of days here is established by your administrator, so the librarians, that can establish for how long you can keep these books offline. There is a certain number of books, in percentage there are not many, that don't have this kind of limitation. So if I use this filter here, unlimited print, copy and download and enter, we'll see that in the availability part, when it says that I have unlimited access to this book, but also that I can download the book without any limitations in time. And I don't need to use a specific software for reading it, so any Acrobat reader can read it. And there are no restrictions in copying or printing or downloading. This is a certain number of results, not all the books have this possibility. But whenever there is the possibility of unlimited access means that any one of you can enter into the same book at the same time. Now, let me look at this one. For some reason, this is not available for download. I don't know why, but it's still unlimited access to this book. So it very much depends whenever you get some results, entering into the single book will give you the information of the availability for each book. Yes, as an answer to the question about the number of books we can, the answer is yes and no, because it depends on the readers. What Kintaniera said is that by entering into the book, by clicking on the book from the Amazon page and entering into this environment that we see, all the information is available. In the section that says availability and read online, which is done immediately, the download book, which is allowed, the majority allows it. You need the Adobe Digital Editions, as you said, which is free and available, to download the books. Also, there are many restrictions on the number of pages that you can copy and on those that you can download as a PDF. This is dynamic and, as I said, it is updated every 24 hours. In theory, if you want to download an entire book, which is not available, you can download parts of it in the following days, because every 24 hours it is updated, what you have downloaded. And as the result is informative, the number of days in which you can keep the book has been identified from the library. For you it is 90 days, 3 months. In case there was a purchase of the book, it depends on the terms with which the publisher sells the book, but this is not a part that we need to go deeper into right now. The important thing is that you can, you just have to look, enter the book and look, because a minority does not allow the download to be done. Most allow it. There was also another question if the format is only PDF or other formats. There are a certain number of books that are also available in EPUB format. Let's say all of them are in PDF and there are some that may have the EPUB format. And when you download the book, in those cases, you can select between the two, either one or the other of the formats. But most are in PDF. And also here in the page, in the same availability page, you see appearing those symbols that we have just seen, a little bit more that we will see in the reader. And also most of the times they have a little abstract description and also the table of contents where the book is broken down into sections and the regime of downloading these still depends on this number of pages here. So you can download a full section here if it's less than 160 pages. OK, shall I go ahead? I think the question has been answered, so yeah, go ahead. OK, so let's say now I get into the book and I read the book online, so I enter into the reader. OK, now the reader here on the left will show me four sections that I can also close. The first section here repeats the availability, basically, plus some symbols that are also repeated up here. You see the availability that we have seen before, the table of contents where I have all the sections that I have seen in the first page, I can also search within the book. And the system will tell me in which parts of the book my word is present and also how much, so I can reach those parts where it's present the most if I want to see some of the occurrences of the term. And you see that you can do this from the table of contents, but also from the lens, from this magnifier. This four section will start populating as soon as you start adding annotations to the book. OK, so let's go and see all these tools, what they are for. I usually do the ARAP this way because I start from the right and go to the left, usually. And I start with paging so you can go through the pages to the book either vertically, moving these. OK, this one. Or horizontally moving the arrows here. OK. But also you can jump to a specific page. You can click on here and you can say I want to go to I don't know what there is in there in page 165. I click and I am jumping to that. OK. So this is for paging through the book. Shall I go ahead or do you want to translate Yannis? Yes, because there is a lot to take in. OK, go ahead. So, on the left side, as you can see, this blue line that exists, we simply repeat what we had seen in the contents of the book, that is, the top button is to show us the availability of the book, just below to do a search in the editor of the particular book, the little star tells us to add it to the bookshelf, that is, to our personal space, and with the magnifier we can do a search in the book. With the key word. Also, in all this zone that exists above the text, starting from right to left, the first part is the pages, which you can either do by looking down, which continues to change pages, goes to the end of the book, or you can go to a specific page or change pages simply with the arrows, right and left. Yannis? OK, the next section here is where I can magnify, so change the size of the page. Here I can select between the page that takes the all screen. OK, the full size of the screen, which is the best option for me, for my eyes. Or you want to see the full page, which means that you see nothing, basically, or anything in between. OK, you can resize the page a little bit with this plus or minus. OK, the next section, which is the annotations. Before we move to this, just keep in mind, notice that I have here saying sign in, which means that I didn't sign in yet. OK, now I will have some actions that will require me to sign in. And one of those actions are the annotations, because they are a form of customization, the use of the book. OK, do you want to translate before I go ahead, Yannis? OK, so what we see, apart from the magnification, simply a large page, a small one, a small one, the next section refers to the annotations, the notes that we can put in the book. At this point, we haven't yet been asked to connect to our account. You can go in and see the book, read it online, so we haven't been asked yet. But as soon as we want to make some action, to put some notes, then the point will be asked. OK, so as I mentioned, the annotations will require to sign in. But also, if you want to download, will require the sign in if you didn't do yet, or if you want to move the book to the bookshelf, will still require the sign in. If I remember well, also copy and PDF will require the sign in. And also saving the search. When you start adding the annotations, the book will also be automatically moved into the bookshelf. So you see now this is blacked. As soon as I start adding some of the annotations, this will be greyed out. OK, so let's say that I want to add a bookmark here and I am requested to do the sign in. OK, or either I don't have a username, so I create the account here, or if I have an account, I click on sign in and I go and enter into my account. OK, so I close this, I click the bookmark and you see that it will save the book to the bookshelf and this is greyed out. So this is added automatically into my bookshelf. The other way of adding a bookmark, if you stay in another page, is clicking on this one. So either from the page itself or to the symbol will add the bookmark. OK, then I can attach notes to the text. I can attach it at two levels. Let's say that I want to attach a note to, let's say I want a page with some text. OK, I need to attach a note to this page here. OK, I click on the symbol of the note here. And I say this is very important and I save it and the note icon will appear at the top of the page because it's a page level note. OK, if I need to attach a note to a specific piece of text, I don't know, for example, I highlight a piece and the toolbar will appear. I click on this, I say copy this and I will need to save it. Let's say I need to say copy this and let's hope I can go down a little bit and do it. Let me do it this way. I have a small screen. Sorry for that. OK. Sorry. Boy with me. In the mean time I can do that. Yes, please. So, what we saw now, we saw what exactly happened when she tried to put a note at the beginning, but she asked her to connect to the text, to connect to the bookshelf, where she just entered her account, her account details and it was connected. The option that was on top to show that I added to my bookshelf my account has a grey color, which means it cannot be selected, it happened automatically. As we also saw how you can put notes at the page level of each book and how these notes appear later. OK, so I wanted to add, I changed a little bit the page anyway. OK, I want to add a note next to this. I click on the page and I am back to this. OK, let's see. Yeah, probably. No, let me try another page where I am a little bit, because I am using my laptop screen and always does this joke. Yeah, let's try this way. OK, whatever. Copy this and I click on save and the note will be attached next to the text that I have highlighted. And then I can also highlight texts in different colors. So, I may have different color coding for what is important or less important, etc. OK, and I can copy the text, pieces of text. So, as soon as I have started attaching the annotations, they will also appear in this section here. So, this will be the index of the annotations, which type of annotation, in which page I can even delete them. OK, so from here I can reach exactly those specific annotations. Yannis. Εδώ βλέπουμε πώς έγιναν οι σημειώσεις και πώς μπαίνουν σε επίπεδο σελίδας και πώς μπορούμε να τις επισημαίνουμε με διαφορετικά χρώματα, στα οποία έχουμε βάλει εμείς μια σημασία στο κάθε χρώμα, τι είναι σημαντικό, τι δεν είναι, να προσέξω. Όπως και στα αριστερά, και συγγνώμη κιόλας, έκανα λάθος πριν, είπα ότι με το αστεράκι μπαίνεται στο bookshelf, ενώ είναι για τα annotations, για τις σημειώσεις. Έχοντας βάλει σημειώσεις στο κείμενο, από εκεί θα μπορέσετε να δείτε όλες οι σημειώσεις που έχετε βάλει σε ένα ευρετήριο κατά κάποιον τρόπο. Εντάξει, το επόμενο ρόλο είναι για να δημιουργήσω μια βιβλιογραφική σημασία από τη page όπου είμαι. Εντάξει, παίρνω το κείμενο, βλέπετε το URL που μπορώ να παρουσιάσω και να παρουσιάσω στο κείμενο. Αυτή είναι η βιβλιογραφική σημασία. Εντάξει, βλέπετε ότι έχω εδώ ένα κείμενο όπου μπορώ να παρουσιάσω από ένα χιλιάδες σημασίες, όχι πολλές, όπως μπορείτε να δείτε, και ανεξάρτητα από τις σημασίες, αυτές θα δείχνουν αμέσως σε προβλήματα το μήνυμα. Μετά μπορώ να παρουσιάσω και να παρουσιάσω το κείμενο. Αν χρησιμοποιείτε ένα μήνυμα, το πρόκειται να εξελίξετε το κείμενο σε ένα μήνυμα με το οποίο θα έχετε πολλές, όχι πολλές χιλιάδες σημασίες. Αυτό είναι μόνο ένα μικρό αριθμό για τη μικρή εφαρμογή που είναι εμπερισμένη στο κείμενο, αλλά, φυσικά, είναι μόνο ένα μικρό εφαρμογή που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε στο σπίτι. Όμως, όταν έχετε εφαρμογή, θα έχετε πολλές εφαρμογές να χρησιμοποιείτε εκεί. Και τότε, το άλλο, εδώ, είναι να χρησιμοποιείτε το παρουσιαστικό εφαρμογή στο κείμενο. Λοιπόν, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε Ctrl-C και Ctrl-V, ό,τι θέλετε να σηκώσετε σε κάποιον. Θέλετε να μοιραστείτε αυτό το κείμενο με κάποιο άλλο εφαρμογή. Φυσικά, πριν έρθουμε στο επαγγελματισμό, ας μιλήσω για την εφαρμογή. Βέβαια, υπάρχει αυτή η εφαρμογή που πρέπει να κοιμηθείτε. Μπορείτε να εφαρμογείτε το παρουσιαστικό εφαρμογή Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, και θα κρατήσει επίσης και το βιβλιογραφικό εφαρμογή στο κάτω του κείμενου. Μπορείτε να δημιουργηθείτε ένα PDF, και σε αυτό μπορείτε να κάνετε το PDF της παρουσιαστικής εφαρμογής, μιας κομμάτις παρουσιαστικών εφαρμογών, καθώς θα παραμείνετε στο καλύτερο 161 παρουσιαστικών εφαρμογών, ή στο παρουσιαστικό εφαρμογή. Βέβαια, μπορείτε να σχεδιάσετε μεταξύ της εφαρμογής των εφαρμογών, γιατί θα ασφαλίσει το βιβλιογραφικό εφαρμογή στο κάτω του κείμενου. Εντάξει, αν δώσω αυτό, και ανοίγω το PDF, τώρα, αν υπήρχε, όχι, δεν ξέρω γιατί το κάνει αυτό, εντάξει, ας πάμε και γρήγορα να το ανοίξουμε. Συνήθως θα πρέπει να το ανοίξω, αλλά ο κείμενος μου κάνει ό,τι θέλει. Αν υπάρχει εφαρμογή στην εφαρμογή, το εφαρμογή είναι ανοιχτό, οπότε δεν υπάρχουν εφαρμογές. Και πραγματικά θα βλέπεις ότι υπάρχει η βιβλιογραφική εφαρμογή. Αυτό είναι το κομμάτι, γιατί η εφαρμογή είναι διαφορετική για αυτήν την εφαρμογή. Έτσι, θα σας δίνει η βιβλιογραφική εφαρμογή εδώ. Σύμφωνα με το PDF είναι το κείμενο. Το κείμενο να το ανοίξουμε, θα έχουμε την εφαρμογή στο κείμενο, αλλά θα έχουμε και την εφαρμογή εδώ. Γιαννις. Σε αυτό το σημείο είδαμε πώς μπορούμε, καταρχάς, να δημιουργούμε ένα citation, μια παραποπή, το οποίο το σύστημα μας δίνει τόσο την παραποπή την ίδια καθ' αυτού, όσο και τα διάφορα still. Το σύστημα περιέχει τα πιο δημοφιλή still, MLA, Harvard, που δημιουργούνται στο citation, όταν φτιάχνουμε ένα citation για εξαγωγή σε κάποια από τα εργαλεία, τα bibliographic manager, refworks, endnote, mental aids, όλα αυτά που υπάρχουν. Όπως επίσης αυτό ισχύει και όταν κοιτάμε, κατεβάζουμε ολόκληρο το βιβλίο, ή το κεφάλαιο, αυτό παίρνει μαζί και την παραποπή της σελίδας. Και έτσι όταν προσπαθούμε να εκτυπώσουμε ένα κεφάλαιο, θα πάρει μαζί και την παραποπή, όπως είδαμε στο παράδειγμα που έδειξε η Τανιέλλα. Τανιέλλα. Το τελευταίο, το τελευταίο, στο δικαίωμα μου, θα είναι το πρώτο, αν ξεκινήσεις από τη δεύτερη, είναι το download. Και, ακόμα, αυτό είναι ένα από αυτά τα πράγματα που θα χρησιμοποιηθείς, αν δεν το έχεις κάνει ακόμα. Και η πρώτη φορά που το κάνεις, σε αυτή τη μηχανή, θα ρωτήσει πρώτα, αν χρησιμοποιείς λαπτοπ ή δεσκτοπ, ή σμαρτφόν, και, σε περίπτωση με το σμαρτφόν, το εργασμένο σύστημα. Αν είναι το ειδικό σου ή ένα δημοκρατικό εργασμό, για παράδειγμα, σε μια λιβάρα, θα πρέπει να δοκιμάσεις τις εργασμένες ειδικές. Γιατί, σε περίπτωση, υπάρχει η λίμνη των ημέρων, που έχουμε δει, θα χρειαστείτε αυτή τη συγκεκριμένη εργασμή, που θα παρακολουθεί τα ημέρια, που υπάρχουν. Λοιπόν, θα ξεκινήσει να παρακολουθεί τα ημέρια, και είναι δημιουργημένο, ώστε να μπορεί να παρακολουθεί τα ημέρια. Επίσης, συγκρίνεται να παρακολουθείτε και την ιδέα Adobe, η οποία είναι ελεύθερη. Οι δύο είναι ελεύθεροι. Και η ιδέα Adobe θα σας αφαιρέσει να κάνετε το κείμενο που χρησιμοποιείτε, για να το κινηθείτε σε ένα άλλο κείμενο. Μετά, όταν αυτό γίνεται, χτύπνεις στο Done με αυτή τη στιγμή, και εδώ έχεις την τελευταία ευκαιρία. Οι περιοδικές, οι περιοδικές περιοδικές, βλέπεις το καλύτερο 90 ημέρες, αλλά τότε έχεις άλλα ευκαιρία. Αν υπάρχει δύο σχήματα, θα σας αφαιρέσει να σχεδιάσετε μεταξύ PDF ή EPUB. Σε αυτή τη στιγμή είναι μόνο PDF. Θα σας δίνει το τελευταίο σχήμα. Και όταν χτύπνεις στο Download το κείμενο... Ναι, χρειαζόμουν το περιοδικό, βλέπεις ότι η εξέγερση δεν είναι PDF, είναι μια εξέγερση που λέει «Θερμοκρασία του Adobe» αλλά μπορεί να γράψει, «Θερμοκρασία του Adobe Digital Edition». Αυτή είναι μια διαδικασία ευκαιρίας, που θα ανοίξει το κείμενο, θα ανοίξει το κείμενο, και έτσι έχεις κάποια από τις ευκαιρίας, το table of contents, το bookmark, etc. αλλά επίσης, στη λίστα των κείμενων που έχεις ήδη διαδικασιάσει, θα ανοίξει, εάν είναι ακόμα δημιουργημένο, αυτό είναι το κείμενο που έχω ακόμα διαδικασιάσει, χτύπνω 14 ημέρες, και σχετικά με σήμερα, λέει ότι υπάρχουν 13 ημέρες. Και υπάρχει ένα που έχει 19 ώρες καιgrid καιรδουλίες. Είναι свεγγεριστικό, να ανοίξεις σχέσεις, που έχεις συνονιστήσει, όταν τη διαδικασία εξαρτάει από e-book central. Εδώ είδαμε και τι γίνεται στη διαδικασία, όταν θέλουμε να κατεβάσουμε ολόκληρο βιβλίο. Το σύστημα, καταρχάς θα μας ρωτήσει, που κάνουμε την πρόσβαση και αν είναι δικό μας το κουιντερική συσκευή, αν είναι δημόσια σε κάποιον ίντερνετ καφέ ή κάτι άλλο. Ή στη βιβλιοθήκη ακόμα. Μετά θα μας ζητήσει να κατεβάσουμε το Adobe Digital Edition, το οποίο είναι ένα software το οποίο είναι για offline reading και το οποίο διατηρεί και κάποια από τα χαρακτηριστικά της πλατφόρμας της ProQuest. Και καθώς το κατεβάζετε θα σας ζητήσει και να εγγραφείτε και να πάρετε και το Adobe ID το οποίο θα σας χρησιμεύσει μετά αν δεν είναι το δικό σας κοπιούτερ ή θέλετε να μεταφέρετε όλα τα βιβλία σε κάποιο καινούργιο κοπιούτερ ή καινούργια συσκευή όπως να έχει. Και κατόπιν στο σημείο που γίνεται το download στο οποίο θα μας πει πόσες μέρες το θέλουμε, θα μας δείξει και τα στοιχεία αν είναι διαθέσιμο σε PDF ή Pub ή άλλο και θα μπορέσουμε να το κατεβάσουμε. Από τη στιγμή που θα το κατεβάσουμε και θα περάσει στο Adobe Digital Edition εκεί έχουμε μια άλλη διαπαφή, ένα διαφορετικό περιβάλλον το οποίο όμως όπως βλέπετε με αυτές τις κορδέλες που έχει πάνω στο βιβλίο μας λέει και το βιβλίο έχει λήξει, το έχω δανειστεί και έχω περάσει μέρες που το είχα είναι προσφάσιμο ή δεν είναι. Οπότε έτσι θα μπορείτε να έχετε και το βιβλίο offline και να μπορείς να το διαβάστε. Και μαζί και όλα τα άλλα βιβλία που θα έχετε με τον καιρό σώσει στον ιστορικό σας χώρο. Εννέα. OK, so we have seen all the things that you can do in the reader, including downloading. And we have seen that there are some actions that will move the book into the bookshelf. So we go into the bookshelf now and we see what you can do here. Whenever the book is saved automatically into the bookshelf not by your concerted action, it will end up into this default folder which is called research. But then you can create as many folders as you wish here and you can move the book into one of those folders. OK, then here you have the books that you have saved. If there are annotations to the books, you can see there are here the link, but they also moved into the annotated books. So in the annotated books folder is those books that do have annotations. Then you have the books that you have recently viewed and they will always be 10. And those are the titles that you see in the carousel visible in the homepage. Finally, this folder at the top is the list of the books that you have downloaded or you asked the loan for. And you see that for each one of them it starts showing the remaining time. And this one is the ones that I have just downloaded and it started the countdown basically. OK, Giannis. At this point we see how the bookshelf is. That is, from the moment you enter your personal space, what you will see. At the central point of the page you see the books that you have downloaded and saved in your account. And on the left there are the filters that show you which books you have made annotations to. Which you can also see on the page of the book. Then which books have you recently seen, which are the books that you can see on the main page, in this carousel at the bottom of the page. As well as books that you have looked at basically, that you have read, but you have not saved and these are the ones that we see in the research. So that you can return immediately and easily to the research that you did before. And on top of that there are the books, the downloads and the loans, which loans do not concern you, because loans mean that I have loaned a book that does not exist in my collection. And the library has bought it, the library has made a loan of the book, even for a week. So you can return very easily to your research. It really depends, because if the library has purchased some books and they may have some licenses that are not necessarily unlimited. They may have a limited access, a limited number of users. For example, just one user per time. So whether you are able to download those books or not, it very much depends if they are used already by someone else. But the majority, let's say that out of 222, I think that 220,000 or even perhaps a little bit more are unlimited usage. So whenever they have unlimited access, when you have finished the interval, you go back and you download it again. No problem. Basically, the fact that there are books that are unlimited, which in theory you can have them for 365 days, 364, to put it that way. But this is also the policy of the library. Usually libraries, the books that do not have free access, DRM free, digital rights management free, they put some restrictions. In those that do not exist, they can leave it free, but in general you can do it. And the other question is if the downloaded book can be read only on the computer that we have admin rights. The thing is that if you registered and got an Adobe ID, that will allow you to move the file from one machine to another. Yes, this is the partly. Yes, so you can have that. I do not understand the right to manage your own computer or your own device. The smartphone may be. But since there is the Adobe installed and you have the Adobe ID, you can transfer it to other devices, your personal space. So, yes, this is the policy. And the other question is if the published books can be read only on the computer that we have admin rights. The thing is that if you registered and got an Adobe ID, that will allow you to move the file from one machine to another. Yes, this is the partly. Yes, so you can have that. I do not understand the right to manage your own computer or your own device. The thing is that if you registered and got an Adobe ID, that will allow you to move the file from one machine to another. So, yes, this is the policy. Sorry about that. So, for example, here you have the possibility of creating a bibliography with the content of the folder. You can send export the folder in a format in PDF in sorry in Excel and that you can distribute the content, which is bibliographic citation, basically. And you can send the content of the folder again, the bibliographic citations via email. OK, so that's a way of sharing your preferred content to someone else. OK, here there are the typical buttons that we have seen plus again exporting the notes so you can share the annotations and getting also the link of the book. Plus you can copy the book into another folder. OK, I saw appear in a question. Before I showed the last section was the question in Greek. When we registered through our university, do we have more options and articles, journals? I can answer to this. This has been done with other sources because the product is called ProQuest One Academic and what we see today, the Academic Complete collection, that is, with the electronic books, is one of the four structural elements of the ProQuest One Academic collection. That is, it is one of the four databases that make up this collection of databases. So, yes, you have through the platform, the general platform of ProQuest, here we are on the platform of the electronic books. That is, it is essentially the point where we have made our general search on the ProQuest platform, which includes both the videos and the electronic books, and the scientific articles with the scientific journals. The fact that we have reached the e-book central from the main page means that we want to go deeper into the electronic books. That is, on the ProQuest platform, by doing a wastewater search, it will show us everything. It will show us the journals that have registered in this, it will show us videos that have been shot on this, it will show us the electronic books and it will show us the scientific articles. This means that we were interested in the monographs, the books, and we have moved on to the e-book central platform to go deeper. So, yes, you have access to all types of content through the University. What ProQuest One Academic contains is more than 20,000 scientific journals, millions of references, reports, έγγραφα εργασίας στα working papers, πρακτικά συνεδρίων, case studies, περιπτωσιακές μελέτες. Διατριβές έχετε 2,7 εκατομμύρια διπλωματικές διατριβές σε πλήρες κίνημα. Sorry, do you mind if I interrupt you? We just had a session on ProQuest One Academic last week and if you ask your librarian, he can provide to you the link to the recording and the PowerPoint presentation where you will see the entire collection. And also in there is included e-book central, the 200 and basically all the holdings. You can search them in there and if you come from that collection, when you click on the link of the title, you basically reach this page here. So from this page to the reader, the environment is basically the same. But the way you reach the book is slightly different in terms of search. Sorry, but I wanted to make sure you mentioned that. You have access to all of this and this is what Danielo said, that we have started from here and we have reached this platform because we are interested in e-books. Simply because e-books have a specific way of handling and studying them, we did this seminar to show you the platform that has specific functionality. Okay, if I can still two more minutes, no more than two more minutes, I just wanted to make sure that you look into the last section, which is the search, where you still have the same easy box. But you can also browse the subjects. So just going through the topics and simply go and click on the topics and you get the books that are indexed with those topics. You can go in advanced search where you can make some combinations. For example, I could say waste, water, but then I want in the rest, in the keywords, I want management, for example. Something like that. Okay. And I have some other filters that I invite you to explore if you want to add them in your search. You see, I have these many books and if I want, I can save this search from going from here. And this is another action that will require you to sign in if you didn't sign in and you can give it a title. And if you click on I'll run the search online, it will be a saved search. If you click on notify me of new results and you put here your email address, this will become and you select also a frequency here. Let's say 30 days. This will become an alert. So a search that is run automatically with that frequency monthly and at that point it will send you notifications by email if there are any new books on the topic. So if I go to the saved searches, these are the searches that I did today, but down here are all my saved searches and at the very bottom is my last saved search. It tells me that 30 days, which means is an alert. If I have zero days, this means that is a saved search and I want to run it. I click on the title here to run it again. Okay. So that's the last thing I wanted to show you. Yes, a saved search and how we can save our searches and run them again. So that we can have on the same research the results based on the criteria that we have set. There was also a question I see about the collaboration with Greek publishing houses. We have tried here for many years in many ways. Unfortunately, the Greek publishers believe that from the moment it becomes electronic, the door opens for registrations, for illegal registrations. We have not managed to convince them, whatever we have done. So we have tried, but unfortunately they do not want to listen. Okay, I have added into the chat the URL of the feedback form that I have asked you please to provide if you have a couple of minutes. The very last thing is that you can find online help here, some help already in here and also in the PowerPoint presentation when you get it, you will find at the very end some useful URLs where you can find the libguides of the eBook Central, a libguide that contains some useful recordings and support center with articles, etc. So just keep in mind that you have some additional support for the pattern interface. Okay. And you can always ask your librarian for additional help, of course. This is the last page of the slide presentation that we will share with you, with various URLs, various links, support pages with information about the products, list of titles, etc. And thanks to Ioannis and Maria for suggesting this word, because if it was for me, I wouldn't, I wouldn't know how to write this. I know I'm a Peristals, but I don't know how to write it. Okay. So thank you very much. Any questions before we stop? Αν υπάρχουν άλλες ερωτήσεις. I hope everything was clear, that you enjoyed, that it was helpful and if you have any questions, you know where to find us. You can ask, you can write to us for any additional questions. Okay, I'm going to stop the recording.