: Hello, I'm Deborah Jacobs, Director of the Global Libraries Initiative at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. I want to give you my warmest welcome as you participate in iNelly, the international network of emerging library innovators. iNelly is a program and an effort we strongly believe will be a powerful force in sustaining public libraries around the world. We believe you joined this network to make a difference in your library and in your community. The fact that you're participating demonstrates that you've already shown great innovation and leadership in your field and in your respective countries. It's a big responsibility, and I want to thank you for taking this step. But it's not only your local communities that need leaders. Our global library community needs leaders also. And by being here, you've shown that you're willing to take up that charge. Congratulations, and once again, thank you. The vision for iNelly was to address the need for a more networked library world, with more innovative services, collaborative partnerships, and leadership at every level. We believe more young people should be in leadership positions. We've seen too many libraries around the world based on yesterday's idea of a library, instead of designing new, innovative, and inspiring services based on community needs. When this change happens, libraries are busier, better funded, and more aligned with where information is going. Does this mean I don't believe in books and story times? Absolutely not. But I believe we must embrace the best of the past while reaching into the future. And this reach will never stop, thus the need for innovators like we think you are or will soon be. I became a library director at the age of 37, which was pretty young in the U.S. I had no network to lean on. But over time as a librarian, I've learned how much we need each other and that together we are stronger. Please think of all of us and all of the iNelly participants as your partners as we forge ahead and lay strong foundations for the future. You are also selected for iNelly because you've shown you can be a true partner. Too many librarians try to go it alone. But to create sustainable public libraries, librarians must build partnerships both inside and outside the communities. We hope that iNelly will provide you with the opportunities to connect with each other, to explore new ideas, to experiment with new services, and to learn from one another. Together you will create a shared future. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is guided by the belief that every life has equal value. All of our work is determined by the goal of helping all people lead healthy, productive lives, regardless of the accident of where they were born. As you participate in iNelly, think about your own responsibility and obligation to use the gifts you were born with for social good, using access to information to fight inequity. We've placed our bets that through your participation, you will help revitalize public libraries. We believe that you are the future of the public library. You are the future of economic, social, and cultural development in your communities and in your countries. The future is in your hands, and we believe in you. Since iNelly was launched in 2011, more than 100 people have participated around the world. It's been truly exciting to see iNelly leaders launch their own regional iNelly programs across three regions. Many of the participants have had job promotions, have participated in library exchanges, have developed partnerships, and they've co-created new services. Most importantly, they've made commitments to staying connected during iNelly and long into the future. After supporting public libraries for 20 years, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is winding down the Global Libraries Initiative. We believe that iNelly will be one of our greatest legacies. Your participation in iNelly is one of our final investments in the library field. You're being offered a great opportunity. Make the best of it and take pride in it. But also remember that with pride comes responsibility and accountability, and this responsibility belongs to you. As Global Libraries exits the field, we're investing in each and every one of you to make sure our library field is strong, networked, innovative, powerful, and resilient. And iNelly friends, remember this, we will always be next to, behind, and in front of each other, supporting each other through all of our next steps. You guys are amazing. Network your hearts out, mentor, be mentored, lead, and innovate. And thank you. |